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Help Fill the Growing Demand for Food Assistance & Gain the Jannah of Ar-Rahman


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Impact: Singapore

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This campaign will collect all funds raised by June 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM EDT

Help us feed the hungry in under-priviledged communities every week. Free meals that are distributed are purchased from low-income cooks to boost their income.

We urge you to join us in our efforts to support our community during these difficult times. Your donation can make a difference in the lives of many.

The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, ’Worship Ar-Rahman, feed others, spread the (greeting of) peace, then you will enter Paradise with security (salam)’. [Tirmidhi]

On another occasion, he (saw) mentioned the food of Jannah as a specific reward for feeding the poor, saying: “Whichever believer feeds a hungry believer, Allah feeds him from the fruits of Paradise on the Day of Resurrection” [Tirmidhi]

Masjid Wak Tanjong's staff, Ustaz Khalid, distributing food to a happy beneficiary.

Starting at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, Infaq Friday is an Impact Initiative by Masjid Wak Tanjong, Singapore.  Our objective is to provide free food for the Friday prayer congregants and needy members of the community. The pandemic has led to widespread job losses and economic uncertainty, leaving many families unable to make ends meet. In the past, Masjid Wak Tanjong has had to stretch our resources to our limit to meet this growing demand. In 2022, we distributed over 21,860 free meals to mosque congregants and the less fortunate in low-income communities such as MacPherson and North Bridge Road. The demand for our food packets has skyrocketed over the past year, with more families than ever before struggling to put food on the table. 

This year, we aim to provide 10,000 more free meals to the hungry in the community within the next quarter.

Our young volunteer distributing food to Jumu'ah congregants of Masjid Wak Tanjong.

The Challenges Our Local Food Distribution Team is Facing - How You Can Help

  • Between September and December 2022, Masjid Wak Tanjong only managed to prepare 9,500 packets of food. the actual needs of the community is 20,000. We are in a constant deficit of 10,000 food packets and we have had turned hundreds of people away each week.
  • With the increasing number of people who benefit from weekly meals distributed, Masjid Wak Tanjong struggles to meet the demands. This is especially because of the increasing number of people queuing to receive the lunch packets from the at the low-income distribution areas.
Low-income community members queuing for their free meal at one of our distribution points.

Feed the Hungry AND Support Low-Income Families

Food packets served are funded by donors LIKE YOU and specially prepared by cooks from low socio-economic backgrounds. Instead of ordering food from established caterers, Masjid Wak Tanjong works with small under-priviledged Home-Based Business (HBB) owners to prepare the meals being distributed. These HBBs are selected based on their family situations and family income. Many of them are sole caregivers for dependents, making them unable to hold full-time jobs.

Through Infaq Friday, not only would you be feeding the hungry every Friday, your contribution will also empower our HBBs, who work tirelessly to cook and prepare these food packets for everyone. Within the past year, we managed to provide an income of $65,676 to 8 well-deserved HBBs.

Cik Syed(left) and his daughter, Nur Hidah, worki with Masjid Wak Tanjong in providing food for Friday Congregants and needy communities in Singapore. Read their story here:

Why donate to Infaq Friday?

In Islam, giving in charity is highly valued and considered a righteous act. Donating on Friday, is believed to increase the reward for the act of charity. Here are some of the benefits of donating on Friday in Islam:

  1. Fulfilling the obligations of the faith: Islam places great importance on helping those in need. Donating to charity is considered an essential part of fulfilling one's religious obligations. Donating on Friday is seen as a way to fulfill these obligations and demonstrate one's commitment to the faith.
  2. Strengthening the community: Donating on Friday can also help strengthen the bonds of the Muslim community. By contributing to a common cause, Muslims can come together to help those in need and build a stronger, more supportive community.
  3. Seeking forgiveness: Giving to charity is believed to be a way to seek forgiveness for one's sins. Donating on Friday, a day that is considered holy and blessed, is believed to increase the likelihood of forgiveness.
  4. Reminder of blessings: Giving charity on Friday can serve as a reminder of the blessings we have been given and the importance of sharing those blessings with others. It is a way to express gratitude for the blessings we have and to show compassion for those who are less fortunate.

Overall, giving charity on Friday in Islam is considered a virtuous act that has numerous benefits for both the giver and the recipient. It is a way to express compassion, gratitude, and generosity and to earn the blessings and protection of Allah. 

Here’s how you can contribute: 

For $20 - 5 packets of food ordered from our HBB
For $50 - 12 packets of food ordered from our HBB
For $100 - 25 packets of food ordered from our HBB
For $1000 - 250 packets of food ordered from our HBB

Will you join us in the fight against hunger? Your donation, no matter how small, can make a difference in someone's life. Make a donation today and help us reach our goal of providing nutritious meals to families in need.

Thank you for considering a donation to Infaq Friday. Your support can help make a difference in the lives of those who need it most. Together, we can help combat food insecurity and ensure that no family goes hungry.

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