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Organized by Rays of Hope

Fitrana/Fitrah/صدقة الفطر (Syrian refugees in Turkey)


raised of 0 GBP goal

415 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: Southampton, England

Zakat-verified fundraiser.

UK Gift Aid

Verified for authenticity.

This campaign will collect all funds raised by April 10, 2024 at 2:15 PM EDT

Fitrana will be given to Syrian refugees, £5 will buy 5kg rice

  • We work with Syrian refugees in Turkey near Syrian borders.
  • Our own teams are on the ground directly working with the refugees.
  • £5 Fitrana will buy 5kg of rice (enough for 1 week for a small family) in Eid period.
  • Additional Sadaqa, any amount, can be donated too: £1 will buy 1kg rice
  • Please note any Firana arrives after 7am of the 27th day of Ramadan will be given as money instead of rice

As it is Fitrana, we always ensure that:

  1. We'll deliver it BEFORE Eid-ul-Fiter, insha Allah
  2. We'll deliver the needy refugees in Turkey.

For any questions, ring Anas Al-korj on 07711128248 or email:


For other projects see our website: 



Your giving amount


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Recent supporters

An Anonymous kind soul

$38 USD, 6 months ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$26 USD, 6 months ago

Omar Amer Abdlhaleem

$80 USD, 6 months ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$20 USD, 6 months ago

Fardeem Munir

$20 USD, 6 months ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$13 USD, 6 months ago

An Anonymous kind soul

€12 EUR, 6 months ago

Aneesa Rabbani

$9 CAD, 6 months ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£5 GBP, 6 months ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£60 GBP, 6 months ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£5 GBP, 6 months ago

Murium ahmed

£5 GBP, 6 months ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£15 GBP, 6 months ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£5 GBP, 6 months ago

Sacha Autier

€18 EUR, 6 months ago

Waqas Siddiqui

£5 GBP, 6 months ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£10 GBP, 6 months ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£10 GBP, 6 months ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£15 GBP, 6 months ago

Umar Rasool

£15 GBP, 6 months ago

Updates 6

Rays of Hope4 months ago

Extreme heat

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
☀ Our beloved Quran Centres are facing a challenge this summer. The extreme heat (over 40°C) is making it very difficult for our students to focus on their Hifz and studies, especially those wearing hijab/niqab.

🤲 We urgently need some support to install 14 Air Conditioning units (£1000 each) to ensure a comfortable and productive learning environment for our students.

✨ Your generous donation, no matter the size, is a sadaqah jariyah (continuous charity) that will benefit countless students for years to come, insha Allah.

Imagine the reward of easing the hardship of those who seek knowledge of the Quran. May Allah reward you abundantly for your generosity and kindness. May Allah ease the heat over us in the hereafter and protect us from the heat of Jahannam. Ameen.

 اللهم خفف عنا حرّ يوم القيامة وأعذنا من حرّ جهنم، آمين

Sort Code: 20-45-45
Account No. 80902349
Acct Name: Rays of Hope
Reference: Air Con.

For card payments, click:

Jazaka Allah khaira,
Anas, 07711128248

Kindly share widely if possible. This is a short and quick campaign.

نداء سريع عاجل

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

☀ مراكزنا القرآنية الحبيبة للاجئين السوريين في مدينة اورفة جنوب تركيا تواجه تحديًا هذا الصيف. تجعل الحرارة الشديدة (أكثر من 40 درجة مئوية) من الصعب جدًا على طلابنا التركيز على حفظهم ودراستهم، وخاصة أولئك الذين يرتدون الحجاب/النقاب.

🤲 نحن بحاجة ماسة إلى دعمكم لتركيب 14 وحدة تكييف هواء (1000 جنيه إسترليني لكل منها) لضمان بيئة تعليمية مريحة ومنتجة لطلابنا.

✨ تبرعك الكريم مهما كان حجمه هو صدقة جارية سيستفيد منها عدد لا يحصى من الطلاب لسنوات قادمة إن شاء الله.

وتخيل أجر تخفيف الكربة عن طالب علم القرآن. جزاك الله خيرا كثيرا على كرمكم.

نسأل الله ان يخفف عنا وعنكم حر يوم القيامة وان يعيذنا واياكم من حر جهنم. آمين.

للتبرع باستخدام بطاقة الخصم أو الائتمان اضغط على هذا الرابط:

جزاكم الله خيرا،

للتواصل واتس آب مع المدير أنس الكورج، 00447711128248

يرجى المشاركة على نطاق واسع إن أمكن. هذه حملة قصيرة وسريعة.

Rays of Hope أشعة أمل
 هي مؤسسة خيرية مسجلة في المملكة المتحدة (رقم تسجيل المؤسسة الخيرية 1160443)

لدى جميعة أشعة أمل الخيرية سبعة مراكز قرآنية في مدينة اورفة خاصة بها يتعلم فيها أكثر من ألفي لاجئ بتركيا القرآن واللغة العربية واساسيات الدين

Rays of Hope4 months ago

Last minute call

Dear brother/sister, Asalam alykum, little time left for the 10 blessed days of Dhul Hija to end.

Help a refugee mother, widow, or orphan to become Qari or Hafiza of Quran for just £100/year per person (£1500 for a class of 15 refugees), or any amount.

If not done yet, consider investing in the people of the Quran to secure the
  • best job on these
  • best days and gain the
  • best reward insha Allah.
Zakat is payable

Acct Name: Rays of Hope
Acct No. 23310337
Sort Code: 204545

For card payments use this link👇

May Allah accept all our Ibada and Amaal.

Jazakum Allah khaira, and may Allah bless you and families with Baraka and Aafiyah

Your servant in Islam

Anas Al-korj

Tel: 07711128248

Rays of Hope2 years ago

Accepting Fitrana till Eid prayer

Asalam alykum brothers and sisters, just want to let you know that we will continue to accept Fitrana until Eid prayers insha Allah.

Kindly remind families and friends if you have not sorted thier Fitrana yet.

Also, please see, support or share our main campaign here:

This year has been slower than last year, and we still have about 500 refugees at risk of being sent home or closing their centre (their only centre to learn Arabic, Quran, learn Deen and get other forms of support)

We have shortage of £50k, so kindly, if you can, please share this link with all your contacts as far and wide as possible.

Jazaka ALlah khayera

Rays of Hope2 years ago


                 خبر عاجل وسارّ

Donations to Rays of Hope will be matched/doubled if
سيتم مضاعفة قيمة التبرعات لأشعة أمل إذا:

➡ if donated between now and Thur. 20/4/2023
 إذا تم التبرع الى الخميس

➡ if paid via this link👇:
 بشرط التبرع بالرابط 👆

Truly Unmissable Opportunity, donate any amount on 27th night
فرصة حقيقيةً لا تُفَوَّت، ساهم بأية قيمة في ليلة السابع والعشرين

Rays of Hope2 years ago

Deadline for fulfilling as rice is today @ 9am.

Asalam alykum

Fitra/Fitrana/صدقةالفطر with Syrian refugees in Turkey

Deadline for fulfilling as rice is today @ 9am. 

After this date/time, we will continue to receive Fitrana/Fitra, but it will be given  out as cash payment to the poor and needy Syrian refugees.

£5 per person, which will buy 5kg rice to feed a family for a week.

Rays of Hope2 years ago

please join us live

Asalam alykum, please join us live and/or make Dua for our 1500 refugee children who are in our care. Jazaka Allah khayera

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