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Avec Yacine, Aidez Les Pauvres Du Pakistan, 200 Abris Nécessaires Avant l'hiver


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1357 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: Nawabshah, Sindh

Zakat-verified fundraiser.

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This campaign will collect all funds raised by May 11, 2024 at 11:45 AM EDT

Imaginez, jeunes et vieux, vivant dans des tentes de fortune pendant des mois, sans abri contre le soleil brûlant, la pluie et le froid.

For English version, please refer far below.


Reconstruire des Vies au Pakistan : Le Projet d'Abris en Terre de Iltizam Relief



Le Pakistan, en particulier la province de Sindh, est encore sous le choc des inondations de 2022 qui ont affecté 33 millions de personnes, endommagé ou détruit plus de 2,1 millions de maisons et laissé des milliers sans abri. Avec l'approche de l'hiver, Iltizam Relief se mobilise pour répondre à cette crise humanitaire.



Notre Mission

Construire 200 maisons en terre pour offrir des abris stables et sécurisés aux familles les plus touchées. Chaque maison, mesurant 4,5 m x 4,5 m, sera équipée d'une porte et d'une fenêtre en bois, offrant protection contre les éléments et respectant la tradition architecturale locale.


Pourquoi des Maisons en Terre ?

Cette méthode de construction, adaptée au climat semi-aride de Sindh, utilise des matériaux locaux tels que la boue, la bouse de vache et le bambou. Économiques et écologiques, ces maisons offrent un environnement de vie confortable et durable.


Phase 1 - Priorité aux Plus Vulnérables

Les 50 premières maisons seront allouées en priorité aux familles avec le moins de moyens de reconstruire, incluant des mères célibataires et des personnes handicapées. Le coût de chaque maison s'élève à 1080 €, avec un objectif total de 216 000 €.


Votre Rôle

Seulement 10% des fonds nécessaires ont été collectés. Chaque contribution peut faire une différence significative dans la vie de ceux qui en ont le plus besoin. En vous joignant à notre cause, vous offrez plus qu'un toit : vous apportez sécurité, stabilité et espoir.


À Propos de Iltizam Relief

Fondée en 2013, notre ONG opère dans 12 pays et s'engage à créer un impact durable sur les communautés affectées par des catastrophes naturelles et des conflits. Nous œuvrons dans divers domaines tels que l'amélioration des conditions de vie, l'accès à l'eau potable, l'éducation, et le soutien en cas de catastrophe.


Agissez Maintenant

Rejoignez-nous pour redonner espoir et dignité à ceux qui ont tout perdu. Visitez [lien vers la page de campagne] pour plus d'informations et pour contribuer à cette cause essentielle.


For English version, please refer far below.






English Version Of This Campaign : 


2023's Qurbani project, just a few months back, allowed us to revisit the remote villages in Nawabshah, Pakistan. Last September's major flood wiped out most houses and animals and crops, leaving many homeless. Almost 9 months and their plight haven't changed much, urging Iltizam Relief to initiate this campaign. 


The plan 

To build mud houses, to replace their current makeshift tents, and shelters. This will allow proper doors and windows, to shield them from rain and sun. At the same time, ensuring ladies and children have their privacy and safety. 


Each mud house costs USD 1200. 

Target 200 homes x 1200 : USD 240,000.00

Phase 1 - 30 houses.




The floods have devastated the lives of 33 million Pakistanis, displacing at least 7.9 million people. In the province of Sindh, where we operate, an estimated 90,000 individuals remain displaced one year later.

Over 2.1 million homes have been damaged or destroyed by the floods. Due to a lack of funds and resources, the authorities have been unable to meet the demand for home repairs and reconstruction. Even temporary shelter assistance has been reduced to one tarpaulin per household, instead of the international standard of two.

The precarious shelter conditions are further complicated by the upcoming winter season. Although Sindh is located in a subtropical region, the average winter temperature hovers around 2 degrees Celsius.

Those living in damaged or partially damaged houses will face multiple challenges, including inadequate protection against the cold weather due to lack of insulation, leaking roofs, damaged windows, and cracked or collapsed perimeter walls.


Iltizam Relief Society has undertaken a crucial initiative to provide 200 new houses under the Community Shelter Project before the upcoming winter. The construction is scheduled to commence before the end of July and aims to be completed before September.

However, the major challenge is insufficient funds. The estimated construction cost for the 200 units is $240,000, and only 10% of the required amount has been raised so far. Despite this, the organization plans to proceed with the construction, starting with 15 units initially.

An urgent appeal is being made to all for assistance in achieving the target. The goal is to ensure that 200 families currently living in tents or damaged houses have a safe place to reside during the winter, providing them with adequate protection and relief.



Iltizam Relief Society has taken significant steps in identifying the beneficiaries for the first 50 houses. Through two meetings, which included the Chief Executive Officer of the organization, the local partner representative, and villagers from Suleman Likhi village, the recipients were determined on 1st June 2023.

During the meetings, it was found that 80 houses were completely damaged and in need of rebuilding, while 15 houses required major repairs due to serious damage. Out of the 95 houses, the government approved aid for 40 households under its housing scheme. However, due to limited funds, the government's ability to assist more people was constrained.

For the selection of the first 50 beneficiaries, priority was given to those facing the most severe circumstances. The criteria considered included:

• The least capability or capacity to rebuild or repair their houses.

• The lowest average monthly income.

• Age factor.

• Single mother status.

• The presence of a person with a disability in the family.

By prioritizing these vulnerable individuals and families, Iltizam Relief Society aims to provide crucial shelter assistance to those in dire need.



The Community Shelter Project is a joint effort between Iltizam Relief Society of Malaysia and their local partner, the National Disability and Development Forum based in Nawabshah, to provide shelter to those in need within the community.

The shelters will be one-room houses measuring 4.5 meters x 4.5 meters, built using traditional mud construction techniques commonly used by the poor and low-income groups in Pakistan. The materials used for construction include mud, cow dung, mud bricks, cement, sand, water reed stems, bamboo, and plastic sheets. Each house will have one wooden door and window.

The estimated time to complete one house is only 7 days, making the construction process efficient and timely.

Crucially, the houses will be built on a joint effort basis, involving both the Iltizam Relief Society and the selected house owners. The funding will be shared on an 88%:12% basis, with Iltizam Relief Society covering 88% of the total cost, and the house owners contributing the remaining 12%. 

In the 1st June meeting, the selected house owners expressed their commitment to raise 12% of the total funds, which amounts to $144 per household. They plan to sell their livestock, such as goats or cattle, and some women plan to sell part of their gold jewelry to secure funds.

Despite facing financial challenges, the house owners are willing to contribute whatever little assets they have to ensure they have a house that provides sufficient protection during the cold winter months. This joint effort between the community and Iltizam Relief Society aims to create a safer and more stable living environment for those who need it most.



Building mud houses for the Community Shelter Project in Pakistan has several advantages, especially for those who have been affected by the 2022 megaflood and are living in poor conditions:

  1. Tradition and Practicality: Mud houses have been a traditional building practice in Pakistan for thousands of years. They are practical, cheap, and easy to maintain, making them a suitable choice for communities in need.
  2. Abundance of Natural Material: Mud is a natural material readily available in Pakistan, making it economical and easy to work with for construction.
  3. Suitable for the Environment: The semi-arid environment in Sindh makes mud houses preferred by locals due to their ability to provide a comfortable internal ambience during the hot summer season.
  4. Low Cost and Easy Construction: Mud houses are inexpensive and quick to build, providing immediate shelter solutions for those displaced by the flood.
  5. Women's Involvement: Maintenance work for mud houses can be done regularly and is easily manageable, even by children. Women often take responsibility for these maintenance tasks.
  6. Thermal Properties: Mud acts as a natural insulator with a high heat capacity. It absorbs and releases heat slowly, helping to keep the interior cooler during hot summers and providing protection from extreme temperatures.
  7. Eco-Friendly and Sustainable: Mud houses have a low carbon footprint as they use locally available and biodegradable materials, making them an environmentally friendly choice for housing in the region.
  8. Improved Living Conditions: By providing mud houses, the Community Shelter Project offers families adequate safety, privacy, and protection from the cold in winter and excessive heat during summer.

Considering these criteria, building mud houses for the beneficiaries of the Community Shelter Project offers a practical and appropriate solution to improve their living conditions and provide a comfortable and sustainable home for those in need.



Iltizam Relief Society is a non-governmental organization (NGO) based in Malaysia, established in 2013 and registered with the Registrar of Societies of Malaysia. With over a decade of operation, Iltizam Relief Society is actively engaged in 12 countries across the ASEAN region, Indian sub-continent, and Middle East.

Mission:  Our main mission is to create sustainable and positive impacts on communities affected by war, racial conflicts, marginalization, and other challenges that have hindered their development and access to basic rights.

Focus Areas:

1. Lives Improvement Programs: Providing skills training and business incubation initiatives to empower individuals and uplift their livelihoods.

2. Shelter Projects: Building homes for those displaced by disasters like earthquakes, floods, and wars.

3. Clean Water Initiatives: Ensuring access to clean water for internally displaced persons and those living in remote areas without access to development projects.

4. Iltizam Education Aid Program: Supporting the education of young individuals by providing resources like computers, cash assistance for school fees, and back-to-school programs.

5. Construction of School Buildings: Building schools for marginalized communities, such as the Rohingya, who have been denied access to education in their own country.

6. Seasonal Projects: Providing aid during special occasions like Ramadan, Qurbani, and winter assistance.

7. Disaster Emergency Relief: Extending immediate aid to those affected by floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, and landslides.

8. Food Aid: Combating hunger and malnutrition, particularly in war zones.


Future Plans: By the end of 2023, Iltizam Relief Society aims to establish a disabled rehabilitation center in Pakistan to assist children with physical, speech, or mental disabilities in overcoming their challenges.

Impact:  Since 2020, Iltizam Relief Society has successfully supported over 1 million beneficiaries annually. The organization expects to witness a 30% increase in the number of beneficiaries by the end of 2023.

Conclusion: Iltizam Relief Society is committed to its mission of creating lasting positive change in the lives of vulnerable communities, providing assistance that ranges from short-term aid to long-term solutions, promoting education, ensuring access to essential resources, and offering relief during emergencies. Relief Society - Brief Organization Profile**


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Sarah Yembe

€50 EUR, 9 months ago

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Eryilmaz Ismi

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Hamioui Yassine

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guiraa Mohamed

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Updates 1

Iltizam Relief Society7 months ago

Palestine needs you now! | Zakat Verified

Emergency Appeal – let's support the most vulnerable in Palestine.

Palestine is experiencing intense suffering due to violence and conflicts. Thousands of lives are lost, and there is an urgent need for humanitarian support. Stand with them by making a donation today! While your donation won’t erase their sorrow, it will facilitate crisis management for the relief efforts.

During this Ramadan, numerous individuals are facing the harsh reality of hunger, lacking proper meals for their suhoor and iftar. The magnitude of this trial is palpable, but it also presents an opportunity to increase one’s spiritual rewards.
We are making a heartfelt appeal to all kind souls to support our initiative aimed at improving the living conditions of those in need. Your contribution will help us:

Here’s how you can participate:

•⁠  ⁠55 € can support a family for a month.
•⁠  ⁠110 € can feed two families for a month.
•⁠  ⁠275 € can feed five families for a month.
•⁠  ⁠499 € to purchase essential medical supplies.
•⁠  ⁠1,100 € fund a hot meal for 1,000 people.

Your support is more crucial than ever for hundreds of families in these regions.

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