Organized by SEMA Organization

A Step Of Hope


raised of $24,600 USD goal

487 supporters, Project Closed

Impact: Reyhanlı, Hatay

Verification in progress. Learn More

This campaign will collect all funds raised by November 23, 2019 at 9:00 PM EDT

Help people who have lost their limbs because of the bombing and destruction in Syria, and installing new prosthetic limbs to them

We've already treated & rehabilitated more than 1000 cases of missing limbs in the past year. Help us to treat 900 more!

Abdulmawla was a young man at his tender-age when his life has turned upside down, like a real nightmare, since he lost one of his lower limbs during the long-standing Syrian crisis over the last 7 years.

Although despair was about to take his life, he did not give up and he kept struggling to survive until he arrived at the Syrian National prosthetic center in which he highly believed and was being served and provided with the comfortable fitting prosthesis and the needed physiotherapy sessions.

Today, the strong-willed Abdulmawla is ready to share his story with others and to give hope to many conflict-affected amputees who haven't yet the chance to get back their own deserved lives.

SEMA together with a number of Syrian partners have been prioritizing this unique service by supporting the functioning of the prosthetic centres in Turkey and Jordan (in addition to one mobile clinic), More than 5,000 amputees were rehabilitated since the launch of these project. More than a thousand of them were registered in last year.

Given that, the reality is bitter, challenges are numerous, and resources are limited. We call upon all of you to extend the hand and to participate in supporting this project that has a very prominent role in alleviating the pain of the thousands of amputees and that helps them re-enhance their roles in the society.

Contribute with us to give hope back to their steps through our campaign #A_Step_Of_Hope


"عبد المولى" شاب في ربيع العمر، تحولت حياته إلى كابوس وكاد اليأس يقضي عليه، بسبب فقدانه أحد أطرافه في الحرب  المستمرة منذ سبع سنوات في سوريا، لم يستسلم لمصيره واستطاع  من خلال المشروع الوطني السوري للأطراف الصناعية من تركيب طرف صناعي جديد، وبإرادته القوية تحول إلى شخص معطاء يقدّم المساعدة لفاقدي الأطراف.

ليس عبد المولى هو الوحيد الذي فقد أحد أطرافه بل هناك المئات من الأشخاص الذين فقدوا أطرافهم بسبب القصف والدمار، ولم تسنح لهم الظروف لإحياء الأمل لحياتهم وكتابة قصة حياة جديدة.

الرابطة الطبية للمغتربين السوريين "سيما" اهتمت اهتماماً كبيراً بمعالجة هذه الكارثة، حيث عالجت وعوضت آلاف المصابين بأطراف صناعية منذ انطلاقتها مع مجموعة من الشركاء، وقد أهّلت حتى الآن ما يزيد عن 5000 حالة ممن فقدوا أطرافهم، وذلك من خلال مراكزها في تركيا والأردن وإدلب بالإضافة للعيادة المتنقلة، وقد بلغ عدد الحالات التي تم علاجها وتأهيلها خلال العام الماضي أكثر من 1000 حالة متنوعة.

ولكن مع الواقع الأليم والتحديات الكبرى وضعف الإمكانات، فإننا ندعوكم جميعاً ونناشد قلوبكم الرحيمة وضمائركم الحية للمبادرة بالدعم لمساعدتنا في رعاية الآلاف من المصابين والمعوقين الذين فقدوا أحد أطرافهم، ولكي نعوضهم ونمكنهم من مواصلة حياتهم دون معاناة الإعاقة بقية حياتهم.



Your share could raise over $77


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Nazia Ahmed

$10 USD, 5 years ago

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nazneen shaikh

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An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 5 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

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An Anonymous kind soul

$1 USD, 5 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

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Rima Amer

$5 USD, 5 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$25 USD, 5 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

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An Anonymous kind soul

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Atteeka Rashid

$25 USD, 5 years ago

MaryBeth Martin

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Sara Zaman

$25 USD, 5 years ago

Abdul Ham

$10 USD, 5 years ago

Yasser Moshneb

$25 USD, 5 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$3 USD, 5 years ago

Updates 5

SEMA Organization5 years ago

Omar Dream has been achieved

Walk on two feet ..

This is what Omar is wished and achieved for him by "SEMA" after a long treatment trip ..

Watch this Video:

The Syrian Expatriates Medical Association - SEMA returned the smile to Omar's face after the war machine caused of missing it for more than five years because of his amputation of his right leg and loss of his younger brother and injury of his mother and sister who did not exceed 13 years of age of deformity, as a result of the exposure of their home for aerial targeting in 2013

This came within the framework of the work of "SEMA" diligent in providing medical assistance for all and the advancement of health reality at inside Syria in general, and research and investigation of humanitarian cases most in need of assistance and help them. The child Omar was one of the cases that "SEMA" access in rural Idlib, He was taken to Turkey with all his family members to follow a long journey of treatment.
Today Omer ends this journey, which lasted about a year, accompanied by "SEMA" step by step, during which he underwent medical sessions and exercises on the use of the new industrial party, to adapt to him as a part of his body, and fulfills his dream of walking and playing just like any child.
Omar is not the only one who the SEMA's staff is proud to accompany him and offering what they can to treat and return hope to him, he was one of 5000 cases similar to Omar's story, but the tragedy of the war has not ended yet, there are about 1,000 person still waiting for help to provide them, SEMA strives to rehabilitate them and install prosthetic limbs to them as soon as possible

Contribute with us to give hope back to their steps through our campaign "Step Of Hope"



السير على قدمين.. 

هذا ما تمناه عمر وحققته له "سيما" بعد رحلة علاج طويلة.. 

شاهد هذا الفيديو:

أعادت الرابطة الطبية للمغتربين السوريين "سيما" الابتسامة لوجه عمر، بعد أن غيبتها آلة الحرب لأكثر من خمسة سنوات، بسبب بتر ساقه اليمنى وفقدانه لشقيقه الأصغر، وما أصاب والدته وشقيقته التي لم تتجاوز 13 عاماً من تشوه، نتيجة تعرض منزلهم لاستهداف جوي عام 2013.

جاء ذلك في إطار عمل "سيما" الدَؤُوب في تقديم المساعدة الطبية للجميع والنهوض بالواقع الصحي في الداخل بشكل عام، والبحث  والتقصي عن الحالات الإنسانية الأشد حاجة للمساعدة وتقديم العون لها، فكان عمر أحد الحالات التي استطاعت "سيما" الوصول لها في ريف إدلب، ليتم نقله إلى تركيا مع جميع أفراد أسرته لمتابعة رحلة طويلة من العلاج.

واليوم عمر يُنهي هذه الرحلة التي استمرت مايقارب عام، رافقته فيها "سيما" خطوة بخطوة ، وخضع خلالها لجلسات طبية وتدريبات على استخدام الطرف الصناعي الجديد، ليتأقلم معه كأنه جزء من جسده، ويحقق حلمه في المشي واللعب حاله كحال أي طفل لم تسلب الحرب ابتسامتهم البريئة.

يذكر أن عمر ليس الوحيد الذي يفتخر كادر "سيما" في مرافقته وتقديم ما يمكن لمعالجته وإعادة الأمل له، بل كان واحد من بين 5000 حالة شبيهة لقصة عمر، لكنَّ مأساة الحرب لم تنتهي بعد، فهناك مايقارب 1000 مستهدف لا يزالون ينتظرون يد العون والخير أن تمد لهم، تسعى "سيما" جاهدةً لتأهيلهم  وتركيب أطراف صناعية لهم بأقرب وقت ممكن.

دعمكم ومساهمتكم أعادت الأمل للطفل عمر، لكنّه ليس الوحيد بل هناك آخرون بحاجة لدعمكم ومد يد العون لهم لنعيد لهم الأمل الذي فقدوه.

ساهم معنا لنعيد لخطواتهم الأمل من خلال حملة خطوة أمل


SEMA Organization5 years ago

"A Step Of Hope" campaign return hope to the child Abdullah

He regained consciousness after the bombing of the warplane that hit his school, to saw his right leg two meters away bleeding blood, and his friends lying next to him.

Learn about the story of the child Abdullah, who lost his foot, and how the campaign of "A Step Of Hope" was able to return hope to him, and spread the smile on his face.

Watch Abdullah story:

Your support and your contribution have return hope to Abdullah, but he is not the only one, but there are others who need your support and help them to return the hope they have lost.


استعاد وعيه بعد قصف الطيران الذي تعرضت له مدرسته، ليشاهد رجله اليمنى تبعد عنه مترين وهي تنزف دماً، وأصدقاؤه ملقون بجانبه.

تعرّف على قصة الطفل عبد الله الذي فقد قدمه، وكيف استطاعت حملة خطوة أمل أن تعيد له الأمل، وتنشر الابتسامة على وجهه التي كان ينتظرها بفارغ الصبر.

شاهد قصة الطفل عبد الله:

دعمكم ومساهمتكم أعادت الأمل لعبد الله، لكنّه ليس الوحيد بل هناك آخرون بحاجة لدعمكم ومد يد العون لهم لنعيد لهم الأمل الذي فقدوه.

SEMA Organization5 years ago

World Disabled Day .. To give them hope

On the third day of December, the international community is commemorating the "World Disabled Day", which aims to promote the rights and well-being of persons with disabilities in all social and developmental fields and to raise awareness of the situation of persons with disabilities in the political, social, economic and cultural spheres.

Contribute with us to give hope back to their steps through our campaign "A Step Of Hope"

SEMA Organization5 years ago

New success stories .. Watch with us | قصص نجاح جديدة .. شاهد معنا

The stories of success that hope relates where its events and letters are woven by hands whose owners are not ashamed to refer to as “artificial limbs” and which they have accepted as a part of their lives.

In light of these circumstances that the people in Syria live through, which have forced them to lose everything except hope, comes the role of the Syrian Expatriates Medical Association -SEMA- in supporting these projects that pulsate with hope despite the pain.

Watch this video:

Contribute with us to draw a smile on their faces and restore hope to their steps through the campaign "A Step Of Hope"

SEMA Organization6 years ago

Services and locations of prosthetic centers that supported by SEMA

As the amputation cases started to emerge due to war injuries, some foreign and Syrian relief agencies started to treat some cases and replace lost limbs with artificial ones in private centres in the bordering countries, however the relief campaigns could not cover the increasing numbers of causalities due to the destructive weapons used against civilians. Besides the cost of fitting protheses in private workshops is high.

Syrian Expatriate Medical Association (SEMA) has taken upon itself to participate in dealing with this disaster, so it founded with other partners the “Syrian National Project for Artificial Limbs”. The work was officially started in the main workshop in Rihaniyah, Turkey in 2013.

As the time passed by, the project expanded owing to the generous support of the kind people, and the dedication of the medical and technical personnel, the first workshop inside Syria in the rural area of Idlib was established. Later on, SEMA assisted the “Every Syrian” organization in equipping a mobile workshop that can move inside Syria and produce Artificial Limbs independently.

Today, the Syrian Expatriate Medical Association (SEMA) continues to offer its free services in this important field rehabilitating many of those who have been disabled by the war in Syria from different age groups and regions.

#Contribute with us to rekindle hope in their lives through the campaign 


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