Zakat-verified fundraisers
Transform lives with your Zakat—scroll down, donate, and make a difference
Zakat fundraisers for Palestine
Give your Zakat to Gaza
A global heartbeat
311,420 people paid their Zakat on LaunchGood
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Zakat fundraisers by topic
Give your Zakat to provide urgent aid
Eid gifts
Additional topics to choose from
Verified Zakat campaigns
Providing authentic Zakat campaigns is our first priority. We take this responsibility very seriously, Zakat campaigns are verified by a Zakat expert following our Zakat policy.
Zakat calculation made easy
We’ll walk you through the process, step by step. Edit and save your calculation, and keep track of your annual giving with confidence.
Today’s Nisab
$500.00 USD
What is Nisab?
Verified Zakat fundraisers
Connecting you with authentic Zakat fundraisers is our priority. We take this responsibility very seriously, Zakat fundraisers are verified by a Zakat expert following our Zakat policy.
Zakat calculation made easy
We’ll walk you through the process, step by step. Edit and save your calculation, and keep track of your annual giving with confidence.
Today’s Nisab
$500.00 USD
What is Nisab?
Still have questions?
Ask a Zakat expert
Shaykh Aarij Anwer is the Zakat Program Manager at LaunchGood.
The Basics
Understanding Zakat
What is Zakat?
Do I have to pay Zakat on gold and silver jewelry?
Who can I pay my Zakat to?
Do I have to pay Zakat on my retirement funds?
What is Nisab?
Can I pay Zakat to my spouse or relatives?
Why do we use silver Nisab?
Can I pay next year’s Zakat in advance?
Who pays Zakat?
What is Zakat al-fitr?
What do I pay Zakat on?
How do I know my Zakat donations will reach the recipient?
Zakat Resources
Still have questions?
Ask us your Zakat questions
Our typical response time would be within 5 days from the time your question was posted. Responses provided will be according to our Zakat policy.
Zakat-verified fundraisers
Transform lives with your Zakat—scroll down, donate, and make a difference
Featured fundraisers
A global heartbeat
311,420 people paid their Zakat on LaunchGood
Discover more
Zakat fundraisers by topic
Additional topics to choose from
Verified Zakat campaigns
Providing authentic Zakat campaigns is our first priority. We take this responsibility very seriously, Zakat campaigns are verified by a Zakat expert following our Zakat policy.
Zakat calculation made easy
We’ll walk you through the process, step by step. Edit and save your calculation, and keep track of your annual giving with confidence.
Today’s Nisab
$500.00 USD
What is Nisab?
Verified Zakat fundraisers
Connecting you with authentic Zakat fundraisers is our priority. We take this responsibility very seriously, Zakat fundraisers are verified by a Zakat expert following our Zakat policy.
Zakat calculation made easy
We’ll walk you through the process, step by step. Edit and save your calculation, and keep track of your annual giving with confidence.
Today’s Nisab
$500.00 USD
What is Nisab?
Still have questions?
Ask a Zakat expert
Shaykh Aarij Anwer is the Zakat Program Manager at LaunchGood.
The Basics
Understanding Zakat
What is Zakat?
Do I have to pay Zakat on gold and silver jewelry?
Who can I pay my Zakat to?
Do I have to pay Zakat on my retirement funds?
What is Nisab?
Can I pay Zakat to my spouse or relatives?
Why do we use silver Nisab?
Can I pay next year’s Zakat in advance?
Who pays Zakat?
What is Zakat al-fitr?
What do I pay Zakat on?
How do I know my Zakat donations will reach the recipient?
Zakat Resources
Still have questions?
Ask us your Zakat questions
Our typical response time would be within 5 days from the time your question was posted. Responses provided will be according to our Zakat policy.