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  • $0


    Thank you for your generous contribution to the Sunnah Clinic Foundation Campaign. We at BD Health greatly appreciate your contribution and your sacrifice. As a first-time donor, your contribution helps to further our important work through the purchase of important medical equipment for the Sunnah Clinic. We would love to have the opportunity to thank you again! Many thanks! May Almighty Allah reward you abundantly!

    13 claimed

  • $25


    Thank you for being a Supporter of the Sunnah Clinic Foundation Campaign. Words cannot explain how grateful we are to have your support. Through your support, we will be able to accomplish our goal of establishing the Sunnah Clinic and eradicating diseases in the community. Your continued support will even enable us to achieve the unthinkable. You have truly made a positive difference. To express our appreciation for this generous donation, we have the honorary gift for you. Please Check the Campaign Page for details. Together we are making a big difference!

    17 claimed

  • $50

    Professional Donor!

    YOU ARE INCREDIBLE! Thank you for supporting the Sunnah initiative. We are thrilled to have your support in bringing accessible healthcare to all in the community. Your donation has truly made a difference and we are extremely grateful. Donate now, and be part of a glorious history and legacy. Donate for the sake of Allah, and be treated to special rewards, isn’t that amazing? Your support is invaluable to us, thank you again! You are really a Pro!

    3 claimed

  • $100

    Gold Donor!

    YOU ARE REMARKABLE! Thank you for this marvellous donation to the BD Health Sunnah initiative that will help improve the lives of many people. You are truly remarkable. We at BD Health will like to offer you a free gift for the contribution to our important work. Please accept this little gift as a token of our gratitude. If you like to have a copy, please check the campaign page for details. We hope you will feel mesmerized to donate again in the future. Thank you again! Donate for the sake of Allah, and be treated to special rewards, isn’t that amazing?

    6 of 200 claimed

  • $500

    Super Donor!

    YOU ARE SUPER! The act of giving for the sake of Allah is a blessing. You’re blessed! Thank you for this special gift to an important cause. We at BD health appreciate your goodwill, and we can guarantee you that your generous donation is going to save thousands of lives. Your support is sure to help us in the fight to save many lives! Simply put, we could not have done this kind of work without people like you. Once again, thank you so much for your donation. Donate for the sake of Allah, and be treated to special rewards, isn’t that amazing?

    0 of 50 claimed

  • $1,000

    Elite Donor!

    YOU ARE GREAT! The act of giving for the sake of Allah is a blessing. You’re blessed! Thanks for being an Elite donor to the Sunnah Campaign. Your generous donation will go a long way in helping us aid men, women and children who cannot afford healthcare and other basic needs. To express our appreciation for this generous donation, we have added some amazing gifts on the campaign page that you can claim. Once again, we are grateful for your sacrifice in contributing to this wonderful initiative. Donate now, and be part of a glorious history and legacy.

    0 of 25 claimed

  • $2,000

    VIP Donor!

    YOU ARE RELIABLE! Your cordial support of our initiative is deeply gratifying to us, and we hope it is the same for you. We are honored to see that you have chosen an increased donation this time around. Your gift has already started to impact thousands of lives. The greatest benefit of all is the feeling you get knowing that you have personally helped less-privileged people fight against diseases. The act of giving for the sake of Allah is a blessing. You’re blessed! Thank you so much! May Almighty Allah continue to uplift you in wealth and prosperity.

    0 of 13 claimed

  • $3,000

    Expert Donor!

    YOU ARE AMAZING! If you are contributing USD 3K to this Sunnah campaign, you aren’t only generous but you are awesome. Thank you for being an amazing kind soul. The act of giving for the sake of Allah is a blessing. You’re blessed! We will be thrilled to have your donation to accomplish this great Sunnah health initiative. You’d truly make a difference for us, and we will be extremely grateful. Thank you for your great generosity! We at BD Health greatly appreciate your sacrifice. May Allah bless you with strong Imaan, taqwa, piety, purity of heart, good manners and good deeds.

    0 of 9 claimed

  • $5,000

    Champion Donor!

    YOU ARE GLORIOUS! Thank you for being a champion donor to the BD Health Sunnah campaign. Your heartfelt support means you have already made a difference in the lives of so many people. In order to show our token of appreciation for your precious donation, we would like to offer you a little gift to show our gratitude. We hope this little gift will serve as a reminder to you that you have been part of a good cause to help the less-privileged. Thanks, and may almighty Allah bless you long age with good health, wealth and prosperity in your life, and in the hereafter. Aameen!! You are truly a CHAMPION!

    0 of 5 claimed

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