Organized by Chickpea Press
Thank you for helping us print our cards! We will send you an A4 illustrated print from the book in gratitude, delivered anywhere in the UK. Please see main text for international shipping costs.
12 claimed
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Reason provided by the campaign organizer: Please provide your email address if we need to contact you about your order.
1 set of Cards
Get 1 set of The 99 Names of God Contemplation Cards delivered anywhere in the UK. Please see main text for international shipping costs.
58 claimed
By choosing this Giving Level, you agree to share your email with the campaign organizer.
Reason provided by the campaign organizer: Please provide your email address if we need to contact you about your order.
2 sets of Cards
Get 2 sets of The 99 Names of God Contemplation Cards delivered anywhere in the UK. Please see main text for international shipping costs.
8 claimed
By choosing this Giving Level, you agree to share your email with the campaign organizer.
Reason provided by the campaign organizer: Please provide your email address if we need to contact you about your order.
3 sets of Cards and FREE ebook
Get 3 sets of The 99 Names of God Contemplation Cards delivered anywhere in the UK, and a FREE "The 99 Names of God" Kindle ebook! Please see main text for international shipping costs.
10 claimed
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Reason provided by the campaign organizer: Please provide your email address if we need to contact you about your order.
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