
Support TechAble Camps

Organized by Safi Shareef

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3 claimed


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Thanks friend!

7 claimed


In-Class for 1 attendee

$50 can help take care of the Tablet/IPad rental, food, and in-class material for 1 attendee at 1 camp - how cool is that!

8 claimed


All the material for 1 kid

can take care of all the media materials, follow-up package, Tablet rental for 1 attendee & their family at 1 camp - the full deal for 1 kid & care-giver!

5 claimed


Flights for 1 presenter

Sponsor the flight for 1 presenter for 1 camp - sponsoring the teacher, make your money go the distance!

2 claimed


Venue sponsorship

This would take care of the venue for a whole camp - we would superbly appreciate your contribution and our organizers would personally send you a message of thanks!

1 claimed


Sustainability Sponsor!

You love this project so much that you want to make it happen in YOUR city / locale and we would be happy to take you up on that offer

0 claimed


Vision Sponsor!

You would be listed as a primary sponsor for this project in our media material. You're especially awesome :)

0 claimed

Help us help the Ummah

Because LaunchGood doesn't charge a platform fee, we rely on the generosity of donors like you to help more people 💓


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$20 USD,

a few moments ago


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Optional. This message will appear on the fundraising page.


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