
Your giving amount

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  • £1

    Help us win a Ramadan Challenge Boost!

    This kind donation will contribute towards the cost of gifting a Quran Lamp insha'Allah towards either a Muslim prisoner, someone in hospital (child in ICU), revert muslim, hifz student, Quran Competition, University Isoc or Muslim Charity auction! Thank you for being part of our legacy...

    11 claimed

  • £5

    I want to Reap Rewards beyond Ramadan

    This kind donation will contribute towards the cost of gifting a Quran Lamp insha'Allah towards either a Muslim prisoner, someone in hospital (child in ICU), revert muslim, hifz student, Quran Competition, University Isoc or Muslim Charity auction... Thank you for being part of our legacy...

    0 claimed

  • £10

    Bismillah I just want to donate...

    This kind donation will contribute towards the cost of gifting a Quran Lamp insha'Allah towards either a Muslim prisoner, someone in hospital (child in ICU), revert muslim, hifz student, Quran Competition, University Isoc or Muslim Charity auction... Thank you for being part of our legacy...

    1 claimed

  • £30


    **Exclusive Limited Time Launch Offer** (normal RRP £40+ P&P)

    Sold out!

    10 of 10 claimed

  • £35


    This kind donation will contribute towards the cost of gifting a Quran Lamp insha'Allah towards either a Muslim prisoner, someone in hospital (child in ICU), revert muslim, hifz student, Quran Competition, University Isoc or Muslim Charity auction... Thank you for being part of our legacy...

    1 claimed

  • £60


    This kind donation will contribute towards the cost of gifting a Quran Lamp insha'Allah towards either a Muslim prisoner, someone in hospital (child in ICU), revert muslim, hifz student, Quran Competition, University Isoc or Muslim Charity auction! Thank you for being part of our legacy...

    0 claimed

  • £100

    Gift 4 Lamps to Schools or Quran Competitions

    We will gift and distribute to free gifts to Quran Hifz competitions, schools, achievement assemblies at madrasahs and other special educational settings.

    0 claimed

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Anonymous kind soul

£20 GBP,

a few moments ago

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