
Support Jeeran 55 - Syrian Kitchen

Organized by Jeeran 55

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  • $5

    Virtual Hug!

    $5 or more gets you a sincere thank you from us! We appreciate your support!

    12 claimed

  • $25

    Dessert Box

    $25 or more gets you a Dessert Box! In these boxes you will find 4 samples of traditional Syrian desserts: 2 samples of ma'moul (one stuffed with dates and the other stuffed with pistachios), and 2 samples of qatayyef (deep-fried dumpling filled with sweetened cheese, a hint of orange blossom water and topped with simple syrup). You can pick your dessert box up from our kitchen upon the success of our campaign.

    32 claimed

  • $50

    Lunchtime Funtime!

    $50 or more gets you our chefs' special! mandi (grilled chicken over a bed of seasoned rice with toasted almonds and raisins) with a side of tabouleh salad and hummus complimented with pita bread! Come by your lunchtime and pick up your meal from our kitchen upon the success of our campaign! Vegetarian alternatives are also available!

    46 claimed

  • $100

    Date Night?!

    $100 or more gets you a perfect date night meal for two! Enjoy mandi (grilled chicken over a bed of seasoned rice with toasted almonds and raisins) with a side of tabouleh salad and hummus complimented with pita bread! PLUS end your meal with our signature original flavored kulfi (traditional ice cream). Pick your meal up from our kitchen upon the success of our campaign! Vegetarian alternatives are also available!

    30 claimed

  • $250

    Family Night!

    $250 or more gets you an authentic Syrian family dinner for 4! Gather your family around the table and let Jeeran55 cater your dinner! Enjoy our delicious kibbeh (a unique blend of meat and spices rolled into a bulgar crust), mandi (grilled chicken over a bed of seasoned rice with toasted almonds and raisins), tabouleh salad, and a choice between ma’moul (bite sized cookies filled with your choice of dates, crushed pecans, or pistachios), or qatayyef (deep-fried dumpling filled with sweetened cheese, a hint of orange blossom water and topped with simple syrup). We will deliver within the Lethbridge Area! Vegetarian alternatives are also available!

    9 claimed

  • $500

    House Party!

    $500 or more gets you a catered dinner for your house party! With this package, you and your loved ones can enjoy a delicious meal for up to 10 people! It will include mandi (grilled chicken over a bed of seasoned rice with toasted almonds and raisins), tabouleh salad, hummus, pita bread, kibbeh, AND a choice between our signature original flavored kulfi (traditional ice cream), ma’moul (bite sized cookies filled with your choice of dates, crushed pecan, or pistachios), or qatayyef (deep-fried dumpling filled with sweetened cheese, a hint of orange blossom water and topped with simple syrup)!! We will deliver it to a place of your choice in Lethbridge, Alberta! Vegetarian alternatives are also available!

    6 claimed

  • $1,000

    Neighbourhood Party!

    $1000 or more gets you a whole block party! Round up your neighbours and pick a spot because Jeeran55 will bring enough food for 20 people! It will include mandi (grilled chicken over a bed of seasoned rice with toasted almonds and raisins), tabouleh, hummus, pita bread, kibbeh, AND a choice between our signature original flavored kulfi (traditional ice cream), ma’moul (bite sized cookies filled with your choice of dates, crushed pecans or pistachios), or qatayyef (deep-fried dumpling filled with sweetened cheese, a hint of orange blossom water and topped with simple syrup). PLUS get to try some Arabic tea! We will deliver within Lethbridge! Use this as a way to get to know your neighbours! Vegetarian alternatives are also available!

    1 claimed

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