
Your giving amount

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Or select a Giving Level

  • $25

    Gift for Children 0-6 years old

    Buy a gift for a child! This will be used to purchase a gift for children in refugee and vulnerable families between the ages of 0-6 in the Austin area.

    7 claimed

  • $50

    Gift for Children 7-15 years old

    Buy a gift for a child! This will be used to purchase a gift for children in refugee and vulnerable families between the ages of 7-15 in the Austin area.

    11 claimed

  • $100

    Gift for Children 16-18 years old

    Buy a gift for a child! This will be used to purchase a gift for children in refugee and vulnerable families between the ages of 16-18 in the Austin area.

    21 claimed

  • $200

    Most Needed

    Buy multiple gifts! This will be used to purchase gifts for 4 to 6 children in refugee and vulnerable families between the ages of 0-18 in the Austin area.

    12 claimed

  • $300

    Most Needed

    Buy multiple gifts! This will be used to purchase gifts for 6 to 8 children in refugee and vulnerable families between the ages of 0-18 in the Austin area.

    6 claimed

Zakat-verified campaign

The organizer will use your donation as Zakat funds.

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This fundraiser uses LaunchGood free of charge to raise money. Your generous contribution helps sustain our platform 💓

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Anonymous kind soul

$20 USD,

a few moments ago

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