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  • $20

    Candy and Clothes

    With your generous donation of $20, you can provide both delicious snacks and essential clothing for an orphan or refugee child. Let's spread joy and comfort during Eid together!

    44 claimed

  • $50

    Eid Clothes for Two Children

    Masha'Allah! Your contribution of $50 will ensure that two orphaned or refugee children receive brand new Eid outfits. By dressing them with dignity and joy, you're making their celebration truly special.

    27 claimed

  • $100

    Eid Celebration Package

    Masha'Allah! Your $100 donation provides an Eid celebration package for a child, including new clothes, Food, and sweets.

    9 claimed

  • $250

    Blessings for 15 Children

    Masha'Allah! With your generous gift of $250, you can bless 15 orphaned or refugee children with Eid essentials, including clothing, shoes, and special treats. Your contribution will make their Eid celebration brighter and more meaningful.

    6 claimed

  • $500

    Spread Happiness to 25 Children

    Masha'Allah! Masha'Allah! Your donation of $500 will spread happiness to 25 orphaned or refugee children by providing them with Eid clothes, toys, and sweets. Let's come together to make their Eid a truly joyous occasion!

    0 claimed

  • $1,000

    Eid Joy for Fifty Children

    Allahu Akbar! Your Generous $1000 Gift Spreads Eid Joy to Fifty Children, Blessing Them with Clothes and Treats, Crafting Cherished Memories.

    2 claimed

Zakat-verified campaign

The organizer will use your donation as Zakat funds.

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Anonymous kind soul

$20 USD,

a few moments ago

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