
Support Ansar ul-Ilm - Supporters of Knowledge

Organized by Eman Channel

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  • £25

    Abu Ayyub al-Ansari (RA)

    The blessed companion sheltered the prophet (saw) in his home for many months after the camel of the Prophet selected his home from all the homes in Madinah, establishing a base for the prophet (saw). Become a donor Ansar to knowledge for Eman Academy and establish our institution and disseminate the inheritance of the Prophet's Knowledge.

    25 claimed

  • £60

    Sa’d Ibn Rabi’ (RA)

    The blessed companion was paired with Abdurrahman bin Awf, saying to him I have two orchards and two wives, I will divorce one and take the orchards you prefer. To which Abdurahman ibn Awf exclaimed, show me the way to the marketplace. Sa’d had the spirit to sacrifice half of his wealth, and with that courage we want you to sponsor a student’s knowledge journey for a year at Eman Academy.

    10 claimed

  • £100

    The Brotherhood

    Just like Sa’ad was paired with one of the needy of the Muhajirun, 45 other Muhjiri’s were paired with the Ansar. Become a sponsor and share in the brotherhood and rewards for seeking knowledge.

    3 claimed

  • £150

    Salman the Advisor (RA)

    Salman was paired with Abu ad-Dardaa’ from whom he saw extraordinary fasting and night prayers, so much so he advised him with the famous words; "Your Lord has rights over you, your family has rights upon you and your body has rights upon you give all those with rights their due”. Become a sponsor to multiple students covering the cost of more than a year's study and be as though you're advising them and empowering them to take the first steps in learning Islam.

    2 claimed

  • £240

    Abdurahman Ibn ‘Awf the Host (RA)

    Once Abdurahman bin ‘Awf became settled in Madinah, he gave back to the community by letting his house (a grand property) to the guests of the prophet (pbuh). Anyone who wanted to stay there did so. Become a host to two students covering cost of a 2 year journey of two and be as though your hosting them through their journey of learning.

    8 claimed

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