
Support 100ForYemen/T.B.C...

Organized by #100ForYemen

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  • £30

    Provide 10 doctors with medical equipment

    Your donation can provide 10 doctors with gloves, masks and other basic sanitary equipment. Yemen suffers from a mass shortage of doctors - Covid-19 has come at the worst time for them.

    0 claimed

  • £35

    Feed a family for a month

    Guarantee a whole family with the following food for a month: 10kg of rice, 10kg of white flour, 10kg of wholemeal flour, 5kg of sugar, 4 ltrs of cooking oil, 1.5 kg of tomato paste, 10 boxes of spaghetti, 10kg of beans, dates and tea leaves.

    0 claimed

  • £70

    Support widows & orphans for a month

    Provide shelter and financial assistance to families of widows and orphans, who have lost their husbands/fathers to conflict and violence.

    0 claimed

  • £200

    Support sustainable farming

    In rural areas of Yemen, the LFT have started the distribution of small herds of goats to families so they can benefit from milk, and in time growing the flock for sale or consumption. Each family costs £200/US$250/C$335/€220 to support in starting a sustainable venture in keeping with the communities' needs and in harmony with nature.

    0 claimed

  • £300

    Provide PPE/medical goods to a hospital

    Your donation can provide up to 100 doctors, or 10 hospital wards, with gloves, masks and sanitary equipment. Yemen suffers from a mass shortage of doctors - Covid-19 has come at the worst time for them.

    0 claimed

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