
Support IQRA at OIS | Educating Emerging Scholars

Organized by Mona Egeh

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Offering a Hand

When we look to build together, sometimes, all it takes is an extra hand of support.

4 claimed


A Seat at the Table

This gift is intended to provide another seat for a young learner, willing to give their future a shot.

2 claimed


A Place for Critical Thinkers

Your gift will go on to equip OIS with the tools it requires to expand its makerspace to allow students the opportunity to expand explore their curiosity and think critically.

1 claimed


Educator Support

Help us open our learning space to uplift our qualified educators today and the generations of student-centered learning to come.

5 claimed


Match Student Investments

Your support today will directly match the time invested into education made by students. Their drive to work hard is fueled by your support and encouragement during #givingtuesday.

2 claimed

Help us help the Ummah

Because LaunchGood doesn't charge a platform fee, we rely on the generosity of donors like you to help more people 💓


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$20 CAD,

a few moments ago


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