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Teachers Blog & Lexicon Project


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Impact: Malaysia

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This campaign will collect all funds raised by August 31, 2022 at 9:00 AM EDT

Citra.Guru is a multilingual blog written for teachers of South East Asia. We hope to empower the teachers to strengthen our knowledge tradition.



Citra Ilmu Resources (SA0577923-P) - is established to help fund the blogging and lexicon project at  We need funds to run the website, provide remunerations to contributors namely writers and photographers among other things.  We also hope to provide teacher trainings and workshops, as well as to reward volunteers who manually construct the lexicon.  Help us run this project for several months - before it can generate income to support itself in the future.  Please visit our blog and the Lexicon Project at




Teachers have always been the veins of their communities.  It is through knowledge alone that hearts and minds are nourished and consequently, life is filled with meaning and happiness.  This blog invites collaborations among teachers in South East Asia and beyond - so that we can consciously disseminate knowledge that enriches and strengthen us towards good.  



In doing so, we also believe that language is the window to the soul.  Humans are rational animals according to great philosophers such as Aristotle; and hawayan al-natiq, in the Islamic intellectual tradition.  This means that language must be preserved so that it reflects the true reality of objects and events that we encounter.  Languages are preserved and protected from the intrusion of false statements and fallacious thoughts or emotions.  

This is the reason we would begin compiling a glossary or lexicon of definitions written in the works of our great scholars.  We look at scholars whose knowledge encompasses many areas of knowledge - works that combine the sciences and humanities in a balanced way.   In our Encyclopedic Teacher (Guru Ensiklopedik) segment of the blog, we currently feature a book of definition, “The Concepts of Education in Islam” which is  the work of a modern day encyclopedic scholar of South East Asia - Tan Sri Prof Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas.

Our volunteers perform what appears to be menial cut-and-paste tasks involving definitions of concepts and then insert the words and their definitions and sentence examples in the public online dictionary Over time, we hope to extend this project to the English-Malay dictionary.  In the distant future, we will endeavor to design our own lexicon app.

The volunteering activities that we need from teachers and supporters make you and me, knowledge activists – wira ilmu.

Please join us in this project by helping us raise funds through or through your manual support as explained above.


Citra.Guru adalah sebuah blog yang mengutarakan pandangan sidang penulis dan penyumbang dikalangan guru-guru di Asia Tenggara.  Blog ini diterbitkan pada 27 Rejab 1443 H, bersamaan 1 Mac 2022 dengan sumbangan dana dan kerjasama dua syarikat pendidikan – Citra Ilmu Resources dan Cubic Academia yang diterajui oleh Puan Khalina M. Khalili (Ph.D.) dan Cik Nurshafira Mohamad Noh.  Disamping itu Citra.Guru diselenggarakan oleh seorang guru yang bertugas sebagai blogger – Puan Mas Elizawati Mohamad Ali.

Kamus dan leksikon adalah wasiat para ulama dan cendekiawan Islam yang semakin kurang diberi perhatian oleh golongan sarjana dan kalangan rakyat yang terpelajar. Memang banyak kamus yang dibangunkan oleh berbagai pihak. Namun masih ada keperluan untuk membangunkan beberapa kamus yang menyenaraikan kosa-kata dan perbendaharaan kata yang mencerminkan erti sebenar sesuatu perkataan tersebut. Ini hanya bisa kita perolehi dari khazanah penulisan guru agung dan ulama tersohor.

Kerana itu, CITRA.GURU ingin turut sama membangunkan kamus dan ensiklopedia yang memetik dari definisi hadd(istilah terperinci) dan rasm (maksud umum) beberapa sarjana terpilih serta karya utama mereka. Kita mulakan dengan seorang sarjana yang diakui ‘genius’ oleh rakan sarjananya yang lain – beliau menonjolkan sifat cendekiawan menyeluruh (ensiklopedik atau polymath) dengan kecenderungannya menggarap bidang ilmu yang berbagai.

Tan Sri Prof Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas, dengan karyanya “The Concept of Education in Islam.”


Untuk tujuan projek ini, kami memerlukan keringat kalian semua!











My name is Khalina Mohammed Khalili.  I am the director of Citra Ilmu Resources and the coordinator of the blog I have always been a teacher, be it in the formal setting or at home - for my children.  Today, I teach Quran, Religion and Philosophy to children and the public.  

Help me in raising the intellectual propensity of teachers in our schools, so that in the future we will build a civilization that carries the intellectual tradition of Islam enriched by myriad contributions from other religious and philosophical traditions of humanity. By donating to us, you will be added to our mailing list and receive offer to claim more of such videos or join us live during the forums we are offering in the future.  Those who donate RM100 and above will receive our Islamic learning videos for children. Please enquire about them at


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Recent supporters

An Anonymous kind soul

$200 USD, 3 years ago

Yadton Ibrahim

$10 SGD, 3 years ago


RM 100 MYR, 3 years ago

Keluarga Sam

RM 100 MYR, 3 years ago

Khalina Normaiza binti Mohammed Khalili

RM 10 MYR, 3 years ago

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