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Relocation of Masjid Ibrahim


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506 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: Kowloon, Hong Kong

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This campaign will collect all funds raised by May 31, 2020 at 9:15 AM EDT

The new location is much closer to the major busy and populated areas of the city, with easy access for more than 20,000 Muslims by public or private transport.

​Help us Relocate Masjid Ibrahim


United Welfare Union secured a small piece of land near Yau Ma Tei in 2013 under a Short Term Tenancy lease, where Masjid Ibrahim was soon constructed and made operational. This meant that the lease had to be continuously renewed after brief periods of 2 years. Recently, the Lands Department refused to extend the lease of the land and told us to vacate the land by 30 November 2019. 

We initiated talks with various government departments, and finally managed to get a new piece of land located in Mong Kok. It is TWICE the size of previous space, and situated under a bridge. Just 5 minutes from the nearest train station exit, and accessible to Muslim from all over Hong Kong easily. Most importantly, as the land is under a bridge, there seems to be little chance of its allocation for development for other purposes for the foreseeable future. We hope we can continue to maintain Masjid Ibrahim at this site for a much longer period of time, and continue to request the government to allow us a longer lease.

We are now set to begin the construction at the new land, but short on funding. We thus reach out to our Muslim Brothers and Sisters in Islam to help us reach this milestone.

Service Record

United Welfare Union was established in Hong Kong in 2002 working for the betterment of Youth and providing basic services for Ethnic Minorities. In 2007, United Welfare Union was recognized as a non-profit making charitable organization under section 88 by Hong Kong Government. 

Masjid Ibrahim was a great relief for Muslims and to Kowloon Mosque as it was over-crowded during Friday prayers. We have public visitors to pray 5 times a day and especially Friday prayers from different districts including Yau Ma Tei, Jordan, Mong Kok and others.

It is also over crowded during public holidays and Sundays by the Indonesian and Philippine sisters. Apart from this, we are also providing an extra facility for the Muslim Tourist who visit HK and stays in Hotels nearby to perform their daily prayers. The daily usage of the land is approx. over 500 pax per day. It is much higher during Friday prayers. We have to split 2 sessions to accommodate the huge crowds.


Once Masjid Ibrahim is operational at the new location, we hope to widen the scope of our services to the community by expanding additional facilities and making use of our manpower to reach even more people.

Your giving amount


Silver Donor Award

You're Amazing. May Allah bless you and your wealth for contributing to establish a house for Allah. You're 1 of 1.8 Billion Muslims that will benefit the people for Generations when they visit Masjid Ibrahim! You'll be a part of history and establish a beautiful legacy for yourself. You'll reap the rewards of hundreds becoming Muslim, thousands learning the Quran, Praying Salah, Learning excellent manners and more!

0 of 300 claimed


Gold Donor Award

You're Amazing. May Allah bless you and your wealth for contributing to establish a house for Allah. You're 1 of 1.8 Billion Muslims that will benefit the people for Generations when they visit Masjid Ibrahim! You'll be a part of history and establish a beautiful legacy for yourself. You'll reap the rewards of hundreds becoming Muslim, thousands learning the Quran, Praying Salah, Learning excellent manners and more!

0 of 200 claimed


Platinum Donor Award

You're Amazing. May Allah bless you and your wealth for contributing to establish a house for Allah. You're 1 of 1.8 Billion Muslims that will benefit the people for Generations when they visit Masjid Ibrahim! You'll be a part of history and establish a beautiful legacy for yourself. You'll reap the rewards of hundreds becoming Muslim, thousands learning the Quran, Praying Salah, Learning excellent manners and more!

0 of 100 claimed


Ultimate Sponsor Award

You're Amazing. May Allah bless you and your wealth for contributing to establish a house for Allah. You're 1 of 1.8 Billion Muslims that will benefit the people for Generations when they visit Masjid Ibrahim! You'll be a part of history and establish a beautiful legacy for yourself. You'll reap the rewards of hundreds becoming Muslim, thousands learning the Quran, Praying Salah, Learning excellent manners and more!

0 of 50 claimed


Your share could raise over 0


Recent supporters

An Anonymous kind soul

$1 USD, 5 years ago

Muhammad Z. Azhar

$1 USD, 5 years ago

Khairul Abidin Nuar

$10 USD, 5 years ago


$1 USD, 5 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$218,732 USD, 5 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$1 USD, 5 years ago


$20 USD, 5 years ago


Updates 5

United Welfare Union Limited5 years ago

Arabic Translation [Please Donate & Share]

يناشد اتحاد الرعاية الاجتماعية المحدود جميع الإخوة والأخوات داخل هونغ كونغ اوخارجها، المساعدة وتقديم الدعم المالي لنقل المسجد إبراهيم من منطقة ياو ما تي إلى مونغ كوك.نحث جميع المسلمين على الدعم والمساعدة والمشاركة والعمل من أجل خير البشرية. حيث سيشاركون في بناء بيت الله معا ويتباركون على كل عمل خيري.
تم منح قطعة الأرض الأولى بالقرب من ياو ما تاي بموجب عقد إيجار قصير الأمد في عام 2013. حيث واصلنا التفاوض مع الحكومة باستمرار لإيجاد حل دائم، ونتيجة لذلك، تم تخصيص قطعة أرض تحت جسر في مونغ كوك. يتميز الموقع الجديد بحجم أكبر من الموقع الأصلي. ونظرًا لموقعها، نأمل أن نتمكن من الاستمرار في الاستفادة من هذه المساحة لفترة أطول. ومن أجل ذلك، سنواصل التفاوض مع الحكومة في هذا الشأن.
لإكمال البناء، نناشد التبرعات السخية من مسلمي هونغ كونغ. نظرًا لأن اتحاد الرعاية الاجتماعية هو أيضًا منظمة غير حكومية ومعفاة من الضرائب، يمكنك خصم تبرعاتك من القيمة الضريبية الخاصة بك. ولأن هذا العمل هو خدمة في سبيل الله (سبحانه وتعالى)، يمكنك أيضا استخدام هذه الفرصة للتبرع والخصم من قيمة الزكاة الخاصة بك.
يمكنك التبرع عن طريق:
التحويل المصرفي لحسابنا:
اسم البنك: Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited
رقم الحساب: (012-581-0-007442-6)
مالك الحساب: United Welfare Union Hong Kong Limited
بشيك مستحق الدفع تحت اسم United Welfare Union Hong Kong Limited
بواسطة بطاقة الائتمان عبر الإنترنت في LaunchGood
نقدا بالقدوم إلى المسجد إبراهيم
لمزيد من التفاصيل:
محمد علي: 9040 3056

لجنة المسجد إبراهيم لجمع التبرعات

United Welfare Union Limited5 years ago

Paid 2.2 Million HKD to Contractor, HK$500,000 borrowed

Of the HK$2,200,000 paid to contractor so far, HK$500,000 was borrowed from private Muslim individuals and businesses to cover the costs.

Meanwhile, the work on the Masjid has been halted pending full payment.

The men's prayer hall is not even started yet, the empty area is made use of. We have covered it with a temporary ceiling for now.

United Welfare Union Limited5 years ago

Construction Partially Completed / Masjid Now Open!!

Alhamdullilah, Masjid Ibrahim is now open at new location for prayers and classes at limited capacity.

We have to halt construction until remaining sum is raised so we can pay the contractor.

Please see attached video:

United Welfare Union Limited5 years ago

Progress Update

As of 1st December 2019,

1. The concrete floor has been laid

2. Drainage installed

3. Septic tank installed

4. Structure being constructed

You can see photos at our Facebook page.

United Welfare Union Limited5 years ago

Nearing completion

We are nearing completion of the new Masjid, and planning to open for prayers later this month.

However, we are still short on funds, and you support is much appreciated. Please contribute generously!

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