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Organized by CelebrateMercy

Plant Seeds of Seerah


raised of 0 USD goal

1264 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: United States

Registered 501(c)(3)

Verified for authenticity.

This campaign will collect all funds raised by February 1, 2022 at 3:00 AM EST

This Giving Tuesday, Share the Prophet's ﷺ Life & Character with Millions of Youth for Generations to Come.

This campaign has ended but you can donate to CelebrateMercy at the following link:

News of our recent campaigns reached millions through outlets like  CNNThe New York Times and tweets by celebrities like  Ellen Degeneres. The Late Show with  Stephen Colbert also applauded our campaign for the victims of the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting which raised over $230,000. See our CNN interview and a clip of Stephen Colbert below:

Your giving amount


Barakah + $5 Bookstore Gift Card

Every dollar put toward this campaign helps share the light and legacy of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. We pray that it is a source of on-going charity for you and your loved ones and that God blesses you with closeness to Him and the Messenger ﷺ. You will also receive a $5 gift card to the CelebrateMercy online store. Visit the store here:

259 claimed


Prophetic Sandal Pin (Lapel)

This modern sandal pin design is an essential accessory for both men and women. Expertly crafted into the shape of Prophet Muhammad's Sandal, this stunning lapel pin can be pinned on suits, hijabs, shirts, and bags. Learn more about the sandal pin here: | Value: $12

32 claimed


Prophetic Sandal Pin (Hijab)

This modern sandal pin design is an essential accessory for both men and women. Expertly crafted into the shape of Prophet Muhammad's Sandal, this stunning lapel pin can be pinned on suits, hijabs, shirts, and bags. | Learn More:

46 claimed


The Spirits of Black Folk: Sages Through the Ages (Book)

If Black lives mattered to God such that he revealed verses about them in the Qur’an, there should be no ambivalence among our communities about valuing Black lives. Imam al-Suyuti delivers this message clearly through his insightful text, which includes the names and unique qualities of the multiple Black Companions of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, the Qur’anic verses regarding them, a commentary on the value of the land of Abyssinia itself (where many of the Black Companions originated from), and much more. | Learn More:

16 claimed


Shama'il al-Muhammadiyya (Youth Study Edition)

This youth study book, “Shama’il of the Prophet Muhammad” has been written for students aged 11-16 to aid them in their study of the unique character and person of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. The contents of the book bring together, in an engaging and accessible manner, the essentials from the classical commentaries on this great tradition – bridging the gap created by language and the ages between modern students and Islam’s great tradition. | Learn More:

13 claimed


Hilya Sharif Calligraphy Panel

The Hilya Sharif is a calligraphic arrangement that originated in Ottoman times by the master calligrapher Hafiz Osman, dealing with the physical description of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. This beautiful design has historically been displayed in Muslim households throughout the world. Hilya literally means "ornament" and is translated in Imam Ghazali Institute’s Shama’il as “beautiful description.”

7 claimed


Leatherbound Edition: Shama'il al-Muhammadiyya

The Shama’il al-Muhammadiyya of Imam al-Tirmidhi presents us detailed descriptions of the moral, physical and spiritual qualities of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The perfections that Allah bestowed upon the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) encompass every aspect of his blessed being: his outward physical form, his senses, his internal form and his inner beauty. | Learn More:

4 claimed


Hand-carved Prophetic Wooden Sandal (2-ft) + Friday Gems Sponsorship

The shape of the Prophet's sandals holds a special place in the hearts of Muslims. Early Muslims used the shape of his sandal as a symbol of love for him. This wooden sandal is made by hand over a 3-week period. It is 2-foot tall and serves as a beautiful decorative piece for the home or office. Learn More: • Donating at this level will also allow you to sponsor one Friday Gems webinar at no added cost. Viewers of the live webinar and YouTube video will be asked to pray for you or your loved ones. Learn more about webinar sponsorships:

3 claimed


[LIMITED] $1300 Umrah Trip Coupon + Reservation

For a $1200 donation, you will receive a $1300 coupon towards an upcoming CelebrateMercy Umrah trip in late February 2022. As a gift for making this donation, you will be gifted a $1300 Umrah Trip coupon. Additionally, your seat will be saved for the trip.

4 claimed


Hand-carved Prophetic Wooden Sandal (3-ft) + Rabi'ul Awwal Sponsor

The shape of the Prophet's sandals holds a special place in the hearts of Muslims. Early Muslims used the shape of his sandal as a symbol of love for him. This wooden sandal is made by hand over a 3-week period. It is 3-foot tall and serves as a beautiful decorative piece for the home or office. | Learn More: • Donating at this level will also allow you to sponsor one day of Rabi'ul Awwal webinars at no added cost. Viewers of the live webinars and YouTube videos will be asked to pray for you or your loved ones. Learn more about webinar sponsorships:

1 claimed


Hand-knotted Sandal Motif Rug + Dhul Hijjah Sponsor

Hand knotting as an art: Hand-knotting of woolen carpets is a skill that runs through generations, its techniques transmitted by expert artisans. Traditional patterns of vivid colors and easily recognizable forms attract considerable demand around the globe. These rugs reflect a synthesis between fresh artistry and trusted tradition. These are created by masters in this field who have been weaving, washing, and producing for more than four decades. Their experience and export acumen are invaluable assets that have contributed to making these contemporary additions to any home. | Learn More: • Donating at this level will also allow you to sponsor webinars during the first 10 days of Dhul Hijjah at no added cost. Viewers of the live webinars and YouTube videos will be asked to pray for you or your loved ones. Learn more about webinar sponsorships:

2 claimed


[LIMITED] $2600 Umrah Trip Coupon + Reservation

For a $2400 donation, you will receive a $2600 coupon towards an upcoming CelebrateMercy Umrah trip in late February 2022. As a gift for making this donation, you will be gifted a $2600 Umrah Trip coupon. Additionally, your seat will be saved for the trip.

1 claimed


Haji Noor Deen Calligraphy Scroll + Ramadan Sponsor

Haji Noor Deen is a renowned master of Arabic calligraphy. Born in China, he brings an immense learning in traditional thought and Islamic art to a modern audience, juxtaposing them in a new calligraphic style all his own, both Eastern and Western. Haji Noor Deen's extraordinary mastery and genius along with his unique ability to spectacularly deliver his craft to an audience has brought him a lecture and workshop invitations from some of the prestigious institutions around the world. The calligraphy on this wall scroll is beautifully shaped in the outline of the Prophet's sandal with "Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah" written in the large Arabic script. | Learn More: • Donating at this level will also allow you to sponsor one day of Ramadan webinars at no added cost. Viewers of the live webinars and YouTube videos will be asked to pray for you or your loved ones. Learn more about webinar sponsorships:

5 claimed


Calligraphy Scroll + Hand-knotted Sandal Rug + 10,000+ Viewer Webinar Sponsor

Donor at this giving level will receive two beautiful hand-crafted pieces from artistic masters: the hand-painted calligraphy scroll by Haji Noor Deen and the hand-knotted sandal rug. • Donating at this level will also allow you to sponsor one large webinar (Isra & Miraj, Ramadan Resolutions) event at no added cost. Over 10,000+ viewers of the live webinar and YouTube video will be asked to pray for you or your loved ones. Learn more about webinar sponsorships:

2 claimed


Lifetime Membership + Gift Package

Donors at this giving level will receive one of each type of gift listed above, including the calligraphy artwork by Haji Noor Deen, valued at $500 and one hand-carved sandal. Donors at this level also become Lifetime Members of CelebrateMercy, allowing them to receive free access to any of CelebrateMercy's livestreamed courses, events, and webcasts for their entire lives without any renewal fees or payment.

0 claimed


Your share could raise over 0


Recent supporters

An Anonymous kind soul

$100 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$20 USD, 3 years ago

zabedah ismail

$100 USD, 3 years ago

Miraj M Hussain

$200 USD, 3 years ago

hassan saudin

$20 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$20 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 3 years ago

Mohammad S aLI

$50 USD, 3 years ago

Deena Kamel

$25 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$2 CAD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$100 USD, 3 years ago

Muhammed Saadiq

$100 USD, 3 years ago

Ragy Mohamed Samir

$100 USD, 3 years ago

Mohamed Mohamed

$15 USD, 3 years ago


$25 USD, 3 years ago

anila palla

$20 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$20 USD, 3 years ago

Mizan Abdullah

$25 USD, 3 years ago

Jennifer McCormick

$40 USD, 3 years ago

Updates 1

CelebrateMercy10 months ago

Imam Shafi'i about tonight


Imam Shafi'i said that there are 5 nights when duas are accepted. Tonight - the 1st night of Eid - is one of them. 

CelebrateMercy is hosting a special Ramadan Farewell Dua session tonight to close out the month of Ramadan. Shaykh Yasir Fahmy will give final advice as we bid farewell to Ramadan then lead us in a dua in Arabic and English, begging Allah to accept our Ramadan worship; he'll also read dua requests from the audience. We expect thousands to tune in insha-Allah. Please see the flyer, info, and RSVP link below:

PS: CelebrateMercy is struggling to reach the finish line with our annual Ramadan fundraiser (we're at 90%). If you have benefited from our programs (80 webinars in 30 days) and you can help us sustain them year-round, please consider donating. We also send beautiful appreciation gifts to donors. It would be amazing to hit our goal by Eid day. 

Please let me know if you have any questions, and please remember the CelebrateMercy team in your dua!


The CelebrateMercy Team

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