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West Bengal: Build Water Wells & Give Clean Water to the Needy


raised of 0 USD goal

3926 supporters, 47 days left

Impact: West Bengal, India

Verified for authenticity.

This campaign will collect all funds raised by April 5, 2025 at 11:45 AM EDT

All funds raised through this campaign will be used for tube wells with hand water pumps for the poorest Muslims of West Bengal.

Sa'd ibn 'Ubadah reported: I said, "O Messenger of Allah, my mother has died. Shall I give charity on her behalf?" The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Yes.” I said, “Which charity is best?” The Prophet said, “A drink of water.” (Sunan al-Nasā’ī)


As of 24/6/24 : We have done 104 tubewells, Alhamdulillah. 

Help us go for another 96 units.


The Target

  1. Two hundred tube wells for the Muslims of West Bengal. Each tubewell will be built close to about five families / approx 35 people and near schools.
  2. Initial 10 water well systems which will provide water for 20 houses and above / more 200 people


Tubewell cost: USD 185 

  • Phase 1 : 100 tube wells x USD 185 =  USD 18,500 - completed, 104 tube wells are built
  • Phase 2 : 100 tube wells x USD 185= USD 18,500
  • Phase 3 : 50 tube wells x USD 185 = USD 9,250
  • Phase 4 : 80 tube wells x USD 185 = USD 14,800
  • Phase 5 : 40 tube wells x USD 185 = USD 7,400
  • Total needed: USD 68,450


Concrete / Boring Water Well cost: USD 36,000

  • Phase 1  : 10 wells x USD 3,600 = USD 36,000 (the actual cost after the completion of first boring well)
  • Phase 2 : will be decided after the completion of 10 wells. As of now, we have completed only one boring tubewell due to the difficulty in securing local expertise and the high cost of hiring specialists from other areas.


Note: In a location where more than 20 houses are located in a colony, we will build a concrete water well instead of a tube well, as this will be more economical, efficient, and last longer. One concrete or boring water well will be equivalent to 20 tube wells.


Total tubewells and water wells costs: USD 104,450.


It's hard to imagine that now in 2024, there are people not only living in extreme poverty but also without the most basic sustenance: clean water.

Uttar Dinajpur

In the district of Uttar Dinajpur, West Bengal, around 49% of the population are Muslims. It is one of the poorest districts in West Bengal and India. The people here depend mostly on agriculture for their survival and economic livelihood.

Our aim is to build as many tube wells as possible in this district. Iltizam Relief is working with our local partner Ar Raihan Educational Trust to help the poor in this district, which we have identified as one of the poorest Muslim communities in India. And we certainly can't do it without your help!

The Conditions of Muslims in West Bengal

In 2016, a report titled ‘Living Reality of Muslims in West Bengal,’ coproduced by Nobel laureate Amartya Sen's Pratichi Institute, stated:

  • Generally, Muslims in West Bengal are economically more deprived than others
  • Only 1 percent of Muslim households are fortunate to have salaried jobs in the private sector as their primary source of income.
  • Forty-seven percent of all Muslims in rural Bengal who work belong to the category of agricultural and non-agricultural labor.
  • 80 percent of the Muslim households in rural Bengal earn Rs 5000 (approx. USD63) as household income per month
  • 38.3 percent of Muslim households in rural West Bengal earn Rs 2500 (approx.  USD31) or less per month

The West Bengal State Assembly has also been advised that 95 percent of the state's Muslim population has been recognized as "OBC" (Other Backward Class), assigned to educationally and/or socially disadvantaged people.

However, nothing much has improved for the people in this district since this shocking report revealed the dire conditions of Muslims here.

Why give tube Wells?

Water is the source of all life. 

Water is a basic need.

We cannot change these people's conditions completely today or tomorrow. But together, we can at least satisfy a basic need in their life - clean water.

About 98% of the Muslim population in Uttar Dinajpur, West Bengal, relies on hand-pump tube wells for drinking water, sanitation, washing, and cattle. But so far, existing tube wells are far from enough to provide enough water to the growing population.


More tube wells will save the time needed for people to fetch water from long distances. We plan to build and install at least one hand-pump tube well for every ten families. 

Based on current requirements, we may need to build and install over 300 hand-pump tube wells for this district.

Tube wells are manually operated. They can be dug as deep as 50 meters beneath the ground. These tube wells are designed to last at least 10 to 15 years, and the beneficiaries can easily maintain them.

Concrete / Boring Water Well Project

On 23 August 2023, we had a chance to visit West Bengal, inspect the tube well projects, and also learn how our contractor builds tube wells from scratch.

It's a simple and unique technique for building a tubewell.

In the heart of West Bengal, we found a small community faced daily water scarcity, trekking a mile to a shared tubewell. With 50 homes relying on traditional tube wells that often ran dry, the Iltizam Relief Society initiated the Community Water Project in November 2023, bringing innovation to the forefront by building the first boring water well in the region.

This groundbreaking well not only immediately provided water to all 50 homes but also promised lasting access for years to come. 

We hope this boring water well becomes a lasting symbol of progress, unity, and the resilience of those who dared to dream of a better life in West Bengal.

With the completion of this project, women, especially single mothers, will no longer need to walk a mile to collect water.

The success of this pioneering project has inspired us to construct more water wells.                                                                                

The Best Charity

Your donation for our Tube wells also enables our donors to give Sadaqah Jariyah (continuous charity). Generations of people will have access to clean water, so you'll reap ongoing rewards from a one-off donation.

On the authority of Sa'd bin 'Ubadah (may Allah be pleased with him), he said, 'O Messenger of Allah! Umm (the mother of) Sa'd have died, so which charity is best?" He (blessings and peace be upon him) replied, "Water (is best)." He said, "So he dug a well and said, "This (well) is for Umm Sa’d'" (Abu Dawud) 

Tube well projects in India

This is not the first tube well project for the Iltizam Relief Society, we have thus far completed 63 projects and will be completing up to 100 tube wells soon in India.

Thank you for your contribution, and may Allah rewards you abundantly.

This is our collective responsibility is to help our brothers and sisters in West Bengal. We can't do this without every one of us putting our hands together to help these people.

They need more tube wells because 98% of the people here rely on groundwater.

About Iltizam Relief Society

Iltizam Relief Society (formerly Al-I'tisam Relief Program Association) is a registered NGO based in Malaysia. We have been working on humanitarian projects since 2013, providing aid, essential living spaces, clean water projects, and food to targeted families and individuals to spread the message of a united Ummah. We believe that by being on the ground and interacting with these individuals, we can understand, share and relieve their pain, one family at a time. However, we cannot do this alone. Despite our individual problems and concerns, we can alleviate pain and suffering worldwide by donating a small sum towards the cause of a united Ummah.

ILTIZAM's clean water projects by countries:

Appended below are several Clean Water Projects (Water Wells, Tube Wells, Water Tanks) completed as of September 2023:

Malaysia: 15 water wells with motor pumps and water tanks

Cambodia: 194 tube wells

Myanmar:  800 tube wells

Bangladesh: 300 tube wells

Nepal: 280 tube wells

Yemen: 164 water tanks

India: 63tube wells and one boring water well

May Allah reward abundantly those who have donated to all our Clean Water Projects.

A woman is watching our contractors and volunteers do the tubewell for her housing colony.

Our local partner

Our local partner in West Bengal is the Ar Raihan Educational Trust. They help Iltizam Relief manage the project in West Bengal.

How can you help us?

We appeal for your urgent help:

  1. Donate generously and/or
  2. Please share the link with your relatives and friends and/or
  3. Make du'a for our projects to take off and be completed successfully

Donate today!

May Allah grant you the reward for Sadaqah Jariyah. Thank you for supporting us! 

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Maemuna Ahmed

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Aishah Alam

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Khadija Iqrah

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Nouralhuda Thabateh

$5 USD, 2 months ago

Jamil Siddique

$5 USD, 2 months ago

Updates 78

Iltizam Relief Society13 days ago

Bringing Clean Water Closer: 7 New Hand Pump Tube Wells Completed

Seven new hand pump tube wells have been completed in West Bengal, potentially providing clean water access to at least 70 families, benefiting over 400 individuals. 

This initiative significantly improves daily life by bringing water closer to homes, eliminating the need for long walks to distant wells. 

Large families, in particular, will experience enhanced convenience and better access to clean water. 

The need for hand pump tube wells remains immense — your continued support can help bring this essential resource to more communities in need.

As Ramadan approaches, we are determined to install as many hand pump tube wells as possible. 

With over 90% of the population in Uttar Dinajpur District relying on groundwater, your support will play a vital role in helping these communities access clean water and observe Ramadan with greater ease and dignity.

Iltizam Relief Society3 months ago

Completion of 5 Tubewell Projects Benefiting Over 200 People

We are pleased to announce the completion of 5 more tubewell projects, providing clean water to 17 families and benefiting over 200 individuals in total. 

These projects are a significant step toward improving access to safe water in the community. 

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our donors and supporters for making this possible. 

Your contributions continue to have a lasting impact on the lives of many. 

May Allah reward you abundantly for your generosity.

Iltizam Relief Society7 months ago

Exciting Update: 110 Tubewells Completed in West Bengal!

We are thrilled to announce that we have successfully completed another 6 tubewells in West Bengal, bringing our total to an incredible 110 tubewells! 🎉

This milestone marks a significant achievement in our mission to provide clean and reliable water to communities in need. 

Each tubewell not only delivers essential water but also improves the health and well-being of countless individuals.
A heartfelt thank you goes out to all our generous donors. Your support has made this possible, and your commitment to this cause is truly inspiring.
However, our work is far from over. We continue to strive towards our goal of reaching even more communities. 

Join us in this vital effort—every contribution, no matter the size, helps us bring clean water to those who need it most.
Donate today and be a part of this transformative journey. 

Together, we can make a difference, one tubewell at a time.

Thank you for your continued support!

Iltizam Relief Society8 months ago


​We are delighted to announce the successful completion of four additional tube wells, i.e. tube well numbers 101 to 104.

These new installations mark a significant milestone in our ongoing efforts to improve local infrastructure in West Bengal and support sustainable development.

Thank you for your continued support in making this vital project a reality!

Water is the best sadaqah and is counted as continuous charity. With only USD 195, you can build one in the name of your loved one who is no longer with us.

Ninety-eight percent of the population in this village relies on groundwater sources. A hand pump tube well can provide water for at least the next ten years, as long as it is properly maintained. 

Join us in making a lasting impact by donating today to help build and sustain these vital water sources for the community.

Iltizam Relief Society9 months ago

Update: Celebrating Our 100th Tubewell in West Bengal

We are thrilled to announce the completion of Tubewell Numbers 96 to 100, marking the achievement of our first 100 tubewells in West Bengal.

This milestone represents a significant step forward in our mission to provide clean and accessible water to communities in the region.

To continue this transformative project and help us reach even more communities, please consider to continue your support for this project.

Your generosity can make a lasting impact. Thank you to everyone who has supported this initiative!

Iltizam Relief Society9 months ago

Transforming Lives: Tubewell Numbers 91 to 95!

Alhamdulillah, tube well numbers 91 to 95 have been completed.

These tubewell will provide water for up to 1,500 people for the next 10 to 15 years.

This is one of the poorest districts in India and West Bengal. 

For those who contributed to these tube wells, may Allah accept your good deeds.

Iltizam Relief Society9 months ago

Installation of another five tube wells is underway.

Installation of another five tube wells is underway. Thank you for your support. 

We will be completing a total of 10 tube wells before Eid al-Adha. 

We aim to do more if possible, certainly with your support again.

Please consider donating to help us reach even more communities in need. Your generosity makes a significant difference!

We shall update you once the installation of all ten tubewells is completed.

Iltizam Relief Society10 months ago

Palestine Needs You | Support them now!

Emergency Appeal – let's support the most vulnerable in Palestine.

Palestine is experiencing intense suffering due to violence and conflicts. Thousands of lives are lost, and there is an urgent need for humanitarian support. Stand with them by making a donation today! While your donation won’t erase their sorrow, it will facilitate crisis management for the relief efforts.

During this Ramadan, numerous individuals are facing the harsh reality of hunger, lacking proper meals for their suhoor and iftar. The magnitude of this trial is palpable, but it also presents an opportunity to increase one’s spiritual rewards.
We are making a heartfelt appeal to all kind souls to support our initiative aimed at improving the living conditions of those in need. Your contribution will help us:

Here’s how you can participate:

•⁠  ⁠55 € can support a family for a month.
•⁠  ⁠110 € can feed two families for a month.
•⁠  ⁠275 € can feed five families for a month.
•⁠  ⁠499 € to purchase essential medical supplies.
•⁠  ⁠1,100 € fund a hot meal for 1,000 people.

Your support is more crucial than ever for hundreds of families in these regions.

Iltizam Relief Societya year ago


Four more tubewells have been installed, bringing the total to 90!

Praise Allah alone for everything. We are pleased to announce the completion of another four handpump tubewells in West Bengal.

With this addition, we have now installed 90 handpump tubewells in West Bengal, and we are committed to make it 100 tubewells soon, in Madya Churakutti village.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our generous donors for their continuous support.

Iltizam Relief Societya year ago

86 Tube Wells Completed!

We are pleased to announce the completion of three more tube wells in West Bengal, to make it 86 tube wells in total.

These tube wells are crucially needed this Ramadan, as they will significantly reduce the distance for people to collect water.

Thank you for sponsoring tube wells for the impoverished Muslim minority in West Bengal.

Iltizam Relief Societya year ago

Water for West Bengal: Three Tube Wells Completed

We are pleased to announce the completion of three more tube wells in West Bengal, to make it 83 tube wells in total. 

This achievement holds particular significance as it aligns with the fasting period observed by the Muslim minority in the region.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who supported this campaign, enabling us to make a tangible difference in the lives of those we serve.

However, the need remains urgent, and we must continue our efforts. With this in mind, we urge continued support as we strive to build an additional 10 tube wells to meet the pressing needs of the community. 

Together, we can ensure access to clean and safe water for all.

Click here to support:!/

Iltizam Relief Societya year ago

Three more tubewells have been installed, bringing the total to 80!

Praise Allah for everything! Three more tubewells have been installed, bringing the total to 80. 

Our sincere gratitude to all donors. We are now racing to install another 20 tubewells before the month of blessings, Ramadan, arrives. 

Please join us or spread the word to others who might want to help.

We pray to Allah to give you the best reward for helping the poor in West Bengal, India.

Click here to support:

Iltizam Relief Societya year ago


​Praise Allah alone for everything. We are pleased to announce the completion of another three handpump tubewells in West Bengal.
With this addition, we have now installed 77 handpump tubewells in West Bengal.We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our generous donors for their continuous support. We pray to Allah to give you the best reward for helping the poor in West Bengal, India.
Our current goal is to install up to 100 tubewells in Madya Churakutti village before the arrival of the month of blessings, Ramadan.
Madya Churakutti village is one of the most backward villages in Uttar Dinajpur district.
Thank you for being a part of this journey.

Please continue your support.

Click here to support:

Iltizam Relief Societya year ago


Praise Allah alone for everything. We are pleased to announce the completion of another two hand pump tubewells in West Bengal.

With this addition, we have now installed 74 hand pump tubewells in West Bengal.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our generous donors for their continuous support.

And we are committed to build up to 100 tubewells by Ramadan. Please help us to achieve the goal.

Click here to support:

Iltizam Relief Societya year ago


Praise Allah alone for everything.

We are pleased to announce the completion of another hand pump tubewell in West Bengal.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our generous donors for their continuous support.

Our current goal is to install up to 100 tubewells in Madya Churakutti village before the arrival of the month of blessings, Ramadan. 

Madya Churakutti village is one of the most backward villages in Uttar Dinajpur district.

Click here to support:

Iltizam Relief Societya year ago

Resuming Operations at Tubewell Number 71

Praise Allah alone for everything.

We are pleased to announce the completion of another hand pump tubewell in West Bengal.

With this addition, we have now installed 71 hand pump tubewells in West Bengal, and we are committed to build up to 100 tubewells by Ramadan.


We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our generous donors for their continuous support.

This time, our aim is to install up to 71 tubewells in Madya Churakutti village, one of the most backward villages in Uttar Dinajpur district.

Thank you for being a part of this journey.

We pray to Allah to give you the best reward for helping the poor in West Bengal, India.

Please continue your support.

Click here to support:

Iltizam Relief Societya year ago

Flowing Hope: The Inauguration of our 70th Tubewell in West Bengal

We're excited to share that we've successfully installed 70 tubewells in West Bengal, providing a vital water source to ten impoverished families right next to their homes.

This initiative alleviates the daily struggle of fetching water from distant places, improving the quality of life for these families. 

Our commitment to community-driven solutions remains strong, aiming to address critical needs and foster positive change.

Please support again, we need to build more tubewells:!/

Iltizam Relief Societya year ago

Another Tubewell is completed!

We are delighted to announce the successful completion of Tubewell Number 69. 

This milestone marks our commitment to providing essential water access to more families, bringing the source closer to their homes.

Your unwavering support has played a crucial role in making this possible. 

Thank you for partnering with us in making a positive impact on communities.

Click here to support for more tubewells:!/

Iltizam Relief Societya year ago

Tubewell Number 68

We are pleased to inform you that another tubewell project has been successfully completed, thanks to your invaluable assistance. 

Your support has played a pivotal role in improving the lives of at least 10 additional families by providing them with easy access to clean water.

Your contribution has made a positive impact on the well-being of those who were previously facing challenges in obtaining clean water.

Thank you.

Please click here to support more:!/

Iltizam Relief Societya year ago


Praise Allah alone for everything.

We are pleased to announce the completion of another hand pump tubewell in West Bengal.

With this addition, we have now installed 67 hand pump tubewells in West Bengal, and we are committed to building more in the future.


We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our generous donors for their continuous support.

Thank you for being a part of this journey.

We pray to Allah to give you the best reward for helping the poor in West Bengal, India.

Please continue your support.

Click here to support:

Iltizam Relief Societya year ago

Tubewell 66: Bringing Smiles to the Poor through the Gift of Water

Praise Allah alone for everything.

We are pleased to announce the completion of tubewell number 66 in West Bengal.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our generous donors for their support.

This time, our aim is to install up to 70 tubewells in Madya Churakutti village, one of the most backward villages in Uttar Dinajpur district.

Thank you for being a part of this journey.

We pray to Allah to give you the best reward for helping the poor in West Bengal, India.

Please continue your support.

Click here to support:

Iltizam Relief Societya year ago


Praise Allah alone for everything.

We are pleased to announce the completion of tubewell number 65 in West Bengal.

This tubewell is certainly bringing smiles and joy to the people here because now water is available within their houses. Insha Allah, at least 10 families will benefit from this tubewell, No. 65.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our generous donors for their support.

Iltizam Relief Societya year ago


Praise Allah alone for everything.

We are pleased to announce the completion of tubewell number 64 in West Bengal.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our generous donors for their support.

This time, our aim is to install up to 70 tubewells in Madya Churakutti village, one of the most backward villages in Uttar Dinajpur district.

Thank you for being a part of this journey.

We pray to Allah to give you the best reward for helping the poor in West Bengal, India.

Please continue your support.

Click here to support:

Iltizam Relief Societya year ago

Transforming Lives: First Ever Boring Water Well

Praise Allah alone for everything.

We are pleased to announce the completion of our first-ever boring water well in West Bengal.


Instead of a tubewell, we decided to build a boring water well is based on its cost-effectiveness and its capacity to provide water for a larger community.


This colony has about 50 houses, and a boring well can provide water to all these houses. This well also lasts longer, for more than 20 years.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our generous donors for their support.

This marks a significant achievement within our Community Water Project in West Bengal, where our focus is on constructing tube wells and water wells to aid the underprivileged.

Thank you for being a part of this journey.

We pray to Allah to give you the best reward for helping the poor in West Bengal, India.

Please continue your support.

Click here to support:

Iltizam Relief Societya year ago

The construction of the concrete ring well is in progress

Praise be to Allah alone for everything. Our inaugural concrete ring water well project in West Bengal, India, is currently underway.

However, construction is frequently impeded by rain during the monsoon season and cold waves.

The initial phase involves the construction of a water tank tower, which will also serve as a storage room for the generator engine.

Upon completion, the water well will provide clean water to more than 500 people in the village.

Thank you for your support.

Only Allah can reward all our donors accordingly.

Iltizam Relief Societya year ago

Urgent: Help Provide Shelter to Families in Crisis

Urgent: Help Provide Shelter to Families in Crisis

Assalamualaikum w.r.b,

After devastating floods in Pakistan last year, families are still without proper shelter. Our plan is to replace makeshift tents with proper mud houses for 200 families at USD 1200 each. We urgently seek your support for our Community Shelter Project in Nawabshah, Pakistan. 

The background of the crisis is severe, with 33 million Pakistanis affected, and winter is approaching. We face a funding gap, but construction is set to begin in July. Your support can make a significant difference. A donation of USD 1200 can provide one family with a secure shelter.

Iltizam Relief Society, active since 2013, has been impacting lives across 12 countries. By the end of 2023, we aim to establish a disabled rehabilitation center in Pakistan, inshaAllah.

Your support matters. Please consider contributing to our vital Community Shelter Project. To donate or learn more, visit this campaign here.

Thank you for making a difference.

Iltizam Relief Societya year ago

The Maiden Concrete Ring Water Well Project Kicked Off

Praise Allah alone for everything. Our first-ever concrete ring water well project has kicked off in West Bengal, India.

Upon completion, the water well will provide clean water to more than 500 people in the village.

Thank you for your support.

Only Allah can reward all our donors accordingly.

We aim to construct more concrete ring water wells in India as each well can provide water for up to 500 people in a village, if not more. For areas with a population of less than 100 people, we will build tubewells.

Building tubewells or concrete ring water wells in West Bengal is essential, as 98% of the village's population relies on groundwater for clean water.

Please support the people in need in West Bengal by contributing to the construction of more tubewells.

Click here to support:

Iltizam Relief Societya year ago


Praise Allah alone for everything.

We are pleased to announce the completion of two additional tubewells (numbers 62 and 63), bringing our total to 63 tubewells. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our generous donors for their support.
Our upcoming project will focus on the construction of a community concrete ring well, accompanied by a comprehensive water system comprising a water tank and water tower. This initiative aims to benefit approximately 40 families, equivalent to about 500 individuals.
The decision to opt for a concrete ring well over a tubewell is based on its cost-effectiveness and its capacity to provide water for a larger community of 40 families, as opposed to the 10-15 families served by a tubewell. We are excited about the positive impact this project will have on the lives of the people we aim to support.
Thank you for being a part of this journey.

We pray to Allah to give you the best reward for helping the poor in West Bengal, India.

Please continue your support.

Click here to support:

Iltizam Relief Societya year ago

Two more tube wells are completed!

Praise Allah alone for everything. We are glad to inform you that another 2 tube wells are completed in Uttar Dinajpur district. 

They are tube well number 60 and 61. These tube wells will provide clean water for more than 200 poor people in this village.

We pray to Allah to give you the best reward for helping the poor in West Bengal, India.

Please continue your support.

Iltizam Relief Societya year ago

All praise to Allah : Another 3 tubewells are completed

Praise Allah alone for everything. We are glad to inform you that another 4 tubewells are completed in Uttar Dinajpur. They are tubewell number 59 and 60.

These tubewells will provide clean water for more than 200 poor people in this village.

We pray to Allah to give you the best reward for helping the poor in West Bengal, India.

Please continue your support.

Iltizam Relief Societya year ago


Praise Allah alone for everything. 

We are glad to inform you that another 4 tubewells are completed in Uttar Dinajpur. They are tubewell number 55, 56, 57, and 58.

These tubewells will provide clean water for more than 500 poor people in this village.

We pray to Allah to give you the best reward for helping the poor in West Bengal, India.

Please continue your support.

Iltizam Relief Societya year ago


Praise Allah alone for everything. We are glad to inform you that tubewell numbers 52, 53, and 54 are completed in Uttar Dinajpur.

These tubewells will provide clean water for more than 300 poor people in this village.

We pray to Allah to give you the best reward for helping the poor in West Bengal, India.

Please continue your support.

Click here to support:

Iltizam Relief Societya year ago


Praise Allah alone for everything. The construction and installation of Tubewell No. 50 and 51 in Uttar Dinajpur, West Bengal, have since been completed.

We personally witnessed the construction of this tubewell number 50.

We pray to Allah to give you the best reward for helping the poor in West Bengal, India.

We are in the midst of launching another 10 tubewells this week.

Please continue your support.

Iltizam Relief Societya year ago


Praise Allah alone for everything. The construction and installation of Tubewell No. 49 in Uttar Dinajpur, West Bengal, have since been completed.

Good news for you!

Do you know that you have saved this lady (a single mother) in the picture and her small children from walking half a mile to collect water? Now we build the tubewell just next to her house.

Actually, we visited this village personally and also inspected this project. Subahanallah, we are very happy to be able to help this single mother.

We pray to Allah to give you the best reward for helping the poor, the single mothers and orphans in West Bengal, India.

We are in the midst of launching another 10 tubewells this week.

Please click here to support.

Iltizam Relief Societya year ago

Completion report : Tubewell Number 48

The construction and installation of Tubewell No. 48 in Uttar Dinajpur, West Bengal, have since been completed. 

It will provide clean water to at least 10 families for at least 10 years.

We pray to Allah to give you the best reward for helping the poor in West Bengal, India.

Please continue your support.

Iltizam Relief Societya year ago


Praise Allah alone for everything. 

The construction and installation of Tubewell No. 47 in Uttar Dinajpur, West Bengal, have since been completed. It will provide clean water to at least 10 families for at least 10 years.

Thank you to all our donors. Thank you.

We will be completing up  to Tubewell Number 53 and thereafter will start the installation of another 10 tubewells.

Please continue to support this project.

Iltizam Relief Societya year ago


The construction and installation of Tubewell No. 46 in Uttar Dinajpur, West Bengal, have since been completed.

We pray to Allah to give you the best reward for helping the poor in West Bengal, India.

Insha Allah, this tubewell will benefit at least for 10 families, especially single mothers with orphan children.

Thank you.

Please continue your support.

Iltizam Relief Societya year ago


The construction and installation of Tubewell No. 45 in Uttar Dinajpur, West Bengal, have since been completed.

We pray to Allah to give you the best reward for helping the poor in West Bengal, India.

Please continue your support.

Iltizam Relief Societya year ago

Tubewell Number 44


The construction and installation of Tubewell No. 44 in Madya Churakutti Village, West Bengal, have since been completed.

Only Allah can give the best rewards to all our donors.

Please continue your support.

Iltizam Relief Societya year ago


Praise Allah alone for everything.

The construction and installation of Tubewell No.43 in Madya Churakutti Village, West Bengal is since completed.

Only Allah can give you the rewards for all our donors.

Please support.

Iltizam Relief Society2 years ago


Praise Allah alone for everything.

The construction of another 10 hand pump tubewells in Uttar Dinajpur Village, West Bengal (India), are in progress.

Thank you for your support.

Only Allah can give you the rewards for all our donors.

Please help the poor in West Bengal. They need more tube wells.

Iltizam Relief Society2 years ago

Ashura 10th of Muharram


Tomorrow (28/7/2023) would be a great day for all muslims to fast during the day of Ashura, as it was mentioned by the prophet Muhammad S.A.W,  "The most excellent fast after Ramadan is God's month. al-Muharram" 

So, we would like to encourage all Muslims to fast during the day of 'Ashura.

It was narrated from Abu Qatadah that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:

“Fasting the day of ‘Ashura’, I hope, will expiate for the sins of the previous year.” (Muslim)

​ May Allah S.W.T. bless us 

and also I would like to invite you to participate feeding the Minority Muslims in Cambodia.

any donation would help them, Insha Allah. 

Join our cause and help us raise funds for a better future.

Iltizam Relief Society2 years ago

Support Orphans in Kashmir on the day of Arafah

Orphans in Kashmir need you on this day of Arafah!

Assalamu Alaikum,

As Arafah Day draws near, I humbly request your support for our fellow Kashmiri Muslim brothers and sisters in need. This campaign on LaunchGood aims to provide crucial assistance to Kashmiri orphans and single parents. By donating, regardless of the amount, you can ensure they receive nourishing meals, medical aid, and essential supplies. Please visit here to learn more and contribute generously. Together, as an ummah, we can make a profound impact on their lives during this sacred month. May your compassionate efforts on this blessed day bring you immense blessings.

Jazakum Allahu Khairan,

Iltizam Relief Society

Iltizam Relief Society2 years ago


Praise Allah alone for everything.

The construction and installation of Tubewell No.42 in West Bengal is since completed.

Up to 10 houses will benefit from this tube well.


Only Allah can give you the rewards for all our donors.


Insha Allah, after Qurbani, we want to build another 10 tube wells in West Bengal.

Please support.

Iltizam Relief Society2 years ago


 Praise Allah alone for everything.

The construction and installation of Tubewell No.40 and No.41 in West Bengal are since completed. Both tube wells are now providing clean water to at least 20 families (with more than 130 households).

Only Allah can give you the rewards for all our donors.


Please help the poor in West Bengal. They need more tube wells.

Insha Allah, after Qurbani, we want to build another 10 tube wells in West Bengal.

Please support.

Iltizam Relief Society2 years ago


Praise Allah alone for everything.

The construction and installation of Tube well No.38 and No.39 in West Bengal are since been completed.


Insha Allah, after Qurbani, we want to build another 10 tube wells in West Bengal.

Please support.

Iltizam Relief Society2 years ago

Join us feed the poor in Sri Lanka

As you may know, these ten days hold even greater rewards than the month of Ramadan. It is the best time to amplify your acts of charity and secure immense blessings.

Iltizam Relief Society is reaching out to our previous donors, like you, to request support for our campaign "Feed Sri Lanka: Nourishing Lives, Restoring Hope."

By donating to this campaign, you can help provide essential food supplies to those in need in Sri Lanka, making a meaningful impact on their lives during this sacred time. Your contribution, no matter the amount, will nourish families and alleviate hunger, restoring hope to communities facing adversity.

Please visit our campaign page on LaunchGood here to make your donation and share the campaign with your network. Together, we can create positive change and spread blessings during Dhul Hijjah. 
Jazakum Allahu Khairan for your kind-heartedness.

Your partner in goodness,

Iltizam Relief Society

Iltizam Relief Society2 years ago

Join us feed the extreme poor in India this Dhul Hijjah!

Join us feed the extreme poor in India this Dhul Hijjah!

During this auspicious period, we have launched a campaign to bring joy and blessings to the extreme poor community in India by offering Qurbani donations. Your previous contributions have made a significant impact in the lives of countless individuals and families, and we are grateful for your continuous trust and support.

We kindly invite you to join us in this noble cause by donating to our campaign through the following link here. Your donation will enable us to provide Qurbani meat to underserved communities, ensuring they can also partake in the joyous celebrations of Eid Al-Adha.

By giving your Qurbani, you will not only fulfill an essential religious obligation but also spread happiness and alleviate the burden of hunger for those who are less fortunate.

May Allah (SWT) reward you abundantly for your compassion and kindness. Together, let us make this Eid Al-Adha truly special for those in need.

Jazakum Allahu Khairan (May Allah reward you with goodness).

Iltizam Relief Society2 years ago




Praise Allah alone for everything.

The construction of Tubewell Number 42 in Uttar Dinajpur Village, West Bengal (India) is in progress.


Thank you for your support.

Iltizam Relief Society2 years ago


Praise Allah alone for everything.

The construction of Tubewell Number 41 in Uttar Dinajpur Village, West Bengal (India) is in progress.

Thank you for your support.

West Bengal needs more tube wells, please support more!


Iltizam Relief Society2 years ago


Praise Allah alone for everything.

The construction of Tubewell Number 40 in Uttar Dinajpur Village, West Bengal (India) is in progress.


Thank you for your support.

Only Allah can give you the rewards for all our donors.

It's worth it to build a tubewell in West Bengal because 98% of people in this village rely on groundwater for clean water.

Please help the poor in West Bengal. They need more tube wells.

Iltizam Relief Society2 years ago


Praise Allah alone for everything.

The construction of Tubewell Number 39 in West Bengal is in progress.


Insha Allah, we will build another 6 tubewells in West Bengal this week.

Thank you for your support.

Only Allah can give you the rewards for all our donors.

It's worth it to build a tubewell in West Bengal because 98% of people in this village rely on groundwater for clean water.

Please help the poor in West Bengal. They need more tube wells.

Iltizam Relief Society2 years ago

Six more tube wells are in progress



Is in progress.

Praise Allah alone for everything.


Insha Allah, we will build another 6 tube wells in West Bengal this week.

Thank you for your support.

Only Allah can give you the rewards for all our donors.


Please help the poor in West Bengal. They need more tube wells.

Iltizam Relief Society2 years ago




Praise Allah alone for everything.


We are glad to announce that tube well project numbers 36 and 37 in West Bengal have been completed. Another 15 families stand to benefit from these projects.


Allah alone can give you the rewards for all our donors.


Thank you for your support.


Please help the poor in West Bengal. They need more tube wells.

They need another 10 tube wells urgently.

Please help.

Iltizam Relief Society2 years ago

They need another 10 tubewells urgently!



Praise Allah alone for everything.


We are glad to announce that tube well project number 35 in West Bengal has been completed. Together, we just give me cleaner and safer water to give to about 5 poor families here.


May Allah multiply rewards for all our donors.


Thank you for your support.


Please make dua and please support.


Please help the poor in West Bengal. They need more tube wells.

They need another 10 tubewells urgently.

Please help.

Iltizam Relief Society2 years ago

Tubewell Number 34 for West Bengal



Praise Allah alone for everything.


We are glad to announce that tube well project number 34 in West Bengal has been completed. Together, we just give me cleaner and safer water to give to about 10 poor families here.


May Allah multiply rewards for all our donors.


Thank you for your support.


Please make dua and please support.


Please help the poor in West Bengal. They need more tube wells.


It's worth it to build a tubewell in West Bengal because 98% of people in this village rely on groundwater for clean water.


Consider the long-term reward you will receive, insha Allah.


Let's build more tube wells for the poor Muslims of West Bengal.




Please also look out for our Qurbani campaign for West Bengal. This is another opportunity for you to multiply your reward by giving fresh meat to the poorest Muslims in the world today.

It's only USD63 per portion of a cow!

Iltizam Relief Society2 years ago


Praise Allah alone for everything.

We are glad to announce that tube well projects number 31 to 33 in West Bengal are completed.

And it comes at the time of Ramadan; may Allah multiply rewards for all our donors.

Insha Allah, yesterday we have just started to build tubewell numbers 34 to 37. 

Our aim to build up to 40 tubewells before Ramadan ends may not be possible, but at least we are not far from the target.

Thank you for your support.

Please make dua and please support.

Iltizam Relief Society2 years ago

Tubewells number 27 to 30 are completed!

Praise Allah alone for everything.

We are glad to announce that tube well projects number 27 to 30 in West Bengal are completed.

And it comes at the time of Ramadan; may Allah multiply all our donors’ rewards.

Insha Allah this Ramadan we will be completing up to 33nd tubewells.

In fact, we may be completing another 4 tubewells, to make it tube well number 37 completed by this Ramadan.

Please make dua and please support.

The poor in Uttar Dinajpur village, West Bengal need more tubewells.

Iltizam Relief Society2 years ago

Another tube well is completed

All praise to Allah. We are pleased to inform you that Tube well project number 26 is now completed

Thank you, all donors.

We are very happy to share this good news with you and it's a bonus when this is happening in Ramadan.

As we reported before this, before the end of the Ramadan, we shall be updating you the completion of up to 32 tube wells in West Bengal.

We are now open to you to support our tube well number 33 to 40, which are planned after Eid.

Iltizam Relief Society2 years ago

Tube well number 25

All praise to Allah. We are pleased to inform you that Tube well project number 25 is now completed.

Insha Allah, we are completing up to 32 tube wells.

Please help to build more. After Eid, we need to build another 8 tube wells.

Please help.

Iltizam Relief Society2 years ago

We need another 8 tube wells!

All praise to Allah. We are pleased to inform you that Tube well project number 24 is now completed.

We will be completing up to 32 tube wells, alhamdulillah, thank you for your donation.

However, we need to build another 8 tube wells, after tube well number 32 is completed. The project will resume after the Eid insha Allah.

Please help urgently.

It's worth it to build a tubewell in West Bengal because 98% of people in this village are relying on ground water for clean water.

Consider the long-term reward you will receive, insha Allah.

Let's build more tubewells for the poor Muslims of West Bengal.

Iltizam Relief Society2 years ago



Praise Allah alone for everything.

This is tubewell number 23 in West Bengal. And it comes at the time of Ramadan; may Allah multiply all our donors’ rewards.

Insha Allah this Ramadan we will be completing up to 32nd tubewells. Please make dua and please support.

Please help the poor of West Bengal. They need more tubewells.

It's worth it to build a tubewell in West Bengal because 98% of people in this village are relying on ground water for clean water.

Consider the long-term reward you will receive, insha Allah.

Let's build more tubewells for the poor Muslims of West Bengal.

Iltizam Relief Society2 years ago

It’s the 22nd and 23rd tubewells

Praise Allah alone for everything.

It’s the 22nd and 23rd tubewells we have completed for the Uttar Dinajpur Village in West Bengal.

Insha Allah we will build up to 32 tubewells by the second week of Ramadan.

Can you help to build more tubewells for the poor in West Bengal?

It's worth it to build a tubewell in West Bengal because 98% of people in this village are relying on groundwater for clean water.

Consider the long-term reward you will receive insha Allah.

Let's build more tubewells for the poor Muslims of West Bengal.

Iltizam Relief Society2 years ago


Praise Allah alone for everything.

It’s the 21st tubewell we have completed for the Uttar Dinajpur Village in West Bengal.

We want to build 9 more tubewells beore Ramadan begin.

Can you help?

It's worth it to build a tubewell in West Bengal because 98% of people in this village are relying on ground water for clean water.

Consider the long-term reward you will receive, insha Allah.

Let's build more tubewells for the poor Muslims of West Bengal.

Iltizam Relief Society2 years ago

Can we build 10 more tubewells before Ramadan?

Praise Allah alone for everything.

It’s the 20th tubewell for Uttar Dinajpur Village in West Bengal.

Can we build 10 more tubewells before the Ramadan?

It's worth it to build a tubewell in West Bengal because 98% of people in this village are relying on ground water for clean water.

Consider the long-term reward you will receive, insha Allah.

Iltizam Relief Society2 years ago


Praise Allah alone for everything.

Today we announced that our tubewell project number 19 in Uttar Dinajpur Village (West Bengal) has been completed and ready for use.

Thank you for your support, with which we have solved the need for clean water for another 10–15 poor families in West Bengal.

We received request to build another 15 tubewells in West Bengal.

Iltizam Relief Society2 years ago


Praise Allah alone for everything.

Today we announced that our tubewell project number 18 in Uttar Dinajpur Village (West Bengal) has been completed and ready for use.

Thank you for your support, with which we have solved the need for clean water for another 10–15 poor families in West Bengal.

The good news is that we have funds to build another 7 tubewells in West Bengal. Thank you again for your support. We shall be sharing the progress soon, insha Allah.

It's worth it to build a tubewell in West Bengal because 98% of people in this village are relying on ground water for clean water.

Consider the long-term reward you will receive, insha Allah.

Let's build more tubewells for the poor Muslims of West Bengal.

Iltizam Relief Society2 years ago



Praise Allah alone for everything.

Today we announced that our tubewell project number 17 in Uttar Dinajpur Village (West Bengal) is now complete and ready for use.

Thank you for your support.

It's worth it to build a tubewell in West Bengal because 98% of people in this village are relying on ground water for clean water.

Consider the long-term reward you will receive, insha Allah.

Let's build more tubewells for the poor Muslims of West Bengal.

Iltizam Relief Society2 years ago



Praise Allah alone for everything.

Today we announced that our tubewell project number 16 is now complete and ready for use.

At least 10 poor families in Uttar Dinajpur village (West Bengal) will benefit from this tubewell, which saves time and the hassle of collecting water from a distance or waiting for rain.

Thank you for your support. Please spread the message that 98% of the poor Muslims in this village rely on groundwater for clean water, so we need to build more tubewells to help this Muslim community.

Iltizam Relief Society2 years ago

Tubewell No.15 is ready

Praise Allah alone for everything.

Today we announced that our tubewell project number 15 is now complete and ready for use. 

At least 10 poor families will benefit from this tubewell, which saves time and the hassle of collecting water from a distance or waiting for rain.

Another 5 tubewells are in progress; we shall update once they are ready.

Thank you for the support. 

More tubewells are required here, please continue your support.

Iltizam Relief Society2 years ago

Another two tubewells are in progress

The 15th and 16th tubewells are in progress.

Praise Allah alone for everything.

Today we announced that our tubewell numbers 15 and 16 are in progress.

This time, we will be completing up to 20 tubewells in West Bengal.

Thank you to all who contributed. May Allah bless you and reward you abundantly.

It's worth it to build a tubewell in West Bengal because 98% of people here rely on groundwater for clean water.

Consider the long-term reward you will receive, insha Allah.

Let's build more tubewells for the poor Muslims of West Bengal.

Iltizam Relief Society2 years ago

We have completed our 9th tubewell project

This is the moment.

We have completed our 9th tubewell project in West Bengal, India.

We hope you are as happy as we are now.

We pray that Allah will accept this as one of our best deeds.

The village chief is appealing for at least another 20 tube wells for this village.

Please support us.

Iltizam Relief Society2 years ago

Now there is tubewell next to my house!

This is the moment!

This boy no longer needs to walk miles away to collect water from another water well.

With your support, we built one next to his house.

Thank you to all those who made the waqf donation for this tubewell.

Only Allah can reward you abundantly.

For this Churakutti village in West Bengal, there is a need to build at least another 20 hand pump tubewells.

Let's give waqf today and help the 98% of Muslims here who are relying on tubewells for clean water needs.

Iltizam Relief Society2 years ago

We need another 20 tube wells!

With your help, we have built 14 tube wells in West Bengal (India).

For this current village, Churakutti Village, we need to build another 20 tube wells.

We need your support to make this possible.

May Allah reward abundantly those who supported all our clean water projects.

Iltizam Relief Society2 years ago

Were all equal in our need for water

If you walk in the desert, you will realize how precious water is.

Ninety-eight per cent of Muslims in this village depend on water from the wells. Existing tube wells are far from enough, so they have to walk miles to collect water.

We all equal in our need for water.

In this village known as Churrakuti, they need 20 tube wells, at least.

Join us today to help build a tube well in West Bengal. 

May Allah make it easy for you.

Iltizam Relief Society2 years ago

Tubewell No. 10

Alhamdulillah, another tubewell is in progress.

Please support us for at least 10 more Tubewells for this village.

Iltizam Relief Society2 years ago

Another tube well is underway! Thank you donors!

Alhamdulillah, another tubewell construction project is underway in West Bengal. 

Thank you all donors. May Allah reward you abundantly.

For this round, we plan to build another five tube wells for this village.

Please continue to extend your support and partnership in helping the poor of West Bengal.

Iltizam Relief Society3 years ago

We did this together!

Alhamdulillah, ILTIZAM RELIEF's first ever hand pump tube well is completed in West Bengal, India.

Thank you for your donation. May Allah reward you abudantly.

West Bengal has a sizeable Muslim population but 95% of the state's Muslim population has been recognized as the "Other Backward Class".

Water is life. We can change their life by giving them clean water.

98% of Muslims here are relying on hand pump tube well for clean water.

Currently, 7 more hand pumps are in the pipeline, we need funding to build more.

Please, donate now!

Another hand pump tube will be completed soon.

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