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Organized by Ek Plate Biryani

EkPlateBiryani: Feed Thousands Of Starving Children And Needy In Pakistan


raised of 0 USD goal

331 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: Pakistan

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This campaign will collect all funds raised by July 31, 2021 at 11:45 AM EDT

Help Us Feed Thousands Of Starving Pakistanis by Donating A Plate of Biryani and Groceries to Families In Need.




The Big Problem


In Pakistan, almost 1 in 5 people lives in a state of dire poverty45% of children under 5 have stunted growth due to malnutrition.
Poverty and hunger are the primary reasons for child labor. Out of 40 million Pakistani children, 3.8 million children work to support their families.(1)


Sixty percent of Pakistanis struggle to find food to eat. Pakistan’s women and children are the most affected by this type of poverty. (1)


These are the heart-breaking statistics of such a wonderful country. (1)

Why This Matters

 about all the issues and concerns in Pakistan. Underdevelopment. Lack
of infrastructure, lack of Education, Terrorism and threats, among many


Yet all of these things have one thing in common,
No other problems can be solved until basic need of hunger is met.


Not education. Not crime. Not corruption.
Take education for example.


Think about if you had to write an important exam, except that you had not ate.

You were starving and hungry. And you had hadn’t ate in 2 days.

You didn’t have a fridge, and no kitchen to go to to easily pull out a meal to warm up.


Imagine you had nobody to go to ask for a meal, because they didn’t have anything to eat either.

Would you focus on educating yourselfOr feeding yourself?

What about if it wasn’t just you...What if it was your family? 
Your mother? Your Father? Your children? Your siblings?


What would do you do feed them?

Anything, right?


That gives you an explanation why Poverty is a breeding ground for many other problems.

But it all starts at the most basic of needs, simple food to eat.


 The Solution

That is why we started

Our goal is to Feed The Needy and allow anyone to Feed the Poor from anywhere in the world.


We do this in two ways:

  • We get Pots (Deghs) of Biryani Made, and we get them distributed to those in most need.
  • We create Ration Packages of a month’s grocery suppliers, and we deliver to the most needy.

Why do we do this?

 understand that this is a cause that we don’t really need to do. Nobody
 really has to do anything. But the truth is, we are all responsible.


Those of us that have food in our fridge, a roof over our head and bed to sleep, Allah SWT has made you richer than 76% of the world.

If you have money in the bank, your wallet, and some spare change you are among the top 8% of the world’s wealthy.

If you woke up this morning with more health than illness you are more blessed than the million people who will not survive this week.

If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the agony of imprisonment or torture, or the horrible pangs of starvation you are luckier than 500 million people alive and suffering.

If you can read this message you are more fortunate than 3 billion people in the world who cannot read it at all.


Other people have not been so lucky as you in life. They don’t have a fridge to open up. They don’t have a microwave to warm food. They can’t go out to a restaurant.

They have to deny their children when asked for a second meal of the day.

And for a simple $80, you can feed close to 80-100 of those people.


How many times have you wasted $80 on something trivial like late fees? Or a parking ticket? Or even just lost it?

That $80 could have easily saved a child from crying themselves to sleep from hunger.

What Islam Says About This


There are a few Hadiths that stood out to us when learning about this.

Here are a few for your thoughts:


  • Suhayb ibn Sinan reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The best of you are those who feed others.”
    Source: Musnad Aḥmad 23408
    Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani


This Hadith had a strong pull on us.
Also, in the Holy Quran itself it says:


  • 2. Giving Food in Surah Al-Insan (No.76):
     is a good gesture of Allah's Mercy to Mention giving food in a Surah
    that is entitled "Al-Insan". Allah The Exalted Says (what means): 
    {And they give food in spite of love for it to the needy, the orphan, and the captive…} [Quran 76:8]
    Ibn ‘Abbas and Mujahid said, "This
     verse denotes that they feed the needy, the orphan and the captive
    despite the scarcity of food and their need and love for it."

What about you and your food

How great a deed is feeding the hungry in our time.

And last but not least, one of the most profound Hadith that touched us was this:

  • The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "The believer's shade on the Day of Resurrection will be his charity." - Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 604

All Hope Is Not Lost


All Hope Is Not Lost

Now that we’ve started, our goal is to feed over 10,000 people a month in the impoverished areas of Pakistan.

 already fed close to 1000 people, and helped close to 50 families
receive Ration Packages in the last 1.5 months since we started.

People are smiling, food is flowing, the economy is growing and the results are showing.

Look at some of the pictures below from our distribution team:


 How Do We Operate?


We are a registered Non-profit in Canada and have sourced trustworthy and vetted Biryani and Ration suppliers in multiple cities.


  • We hire internal Operations Managers to develop a process and distribution centers.
  • We have a Quality Control team and
     are extremely diligent in screening for corruption and have a dedicated
     team of God-fearing, Honest and Vetted team members and volunteers
    working with us.
  • Distribution centers can be ‘Dastaskhans’ (food banks), Orphanages, Schools in Impoverished Areas, Madrasas and more.


Sometimes, families will discreetly ask us for help and we will help them with Ration packages.

We try to preserve their privacy and respect as much as we can.


What Are We Giving Out?


We have two things that we distribute:

  • Biryani by getting 10kg Deghs made.

  • Ration Packages of Grocery supplies.

The reason we do biryani and Ration packages is that 
Money can be stolen and affected by corruption, but Biryani can not.
It is not 100% fool proof, but it is much easier to see food reaching the Deserving (Haqdaar) than it is giving money.


For Biryani:

 of Biryani Degh can vary depending on how many people we need to feed,
and how many donation we have. If we have 500 people to feed which
requires 5-6 deghs, we only have money for 2 chiken deghs, but we can do
 5-6 deghs of Aloo biryani, we will opt to feed more people.

For Ration Packages,

Each Meal Package contains:

15kg Aata/flou

3kg Sugar

1kg Ghee

1kg Cooking Oil

2kg Rice

400g Tea

200g Red Chili Powder

2 packet Vermicelli

500g Daal Moong

500g Daal Chana


What Are Some Benefits of Donating

You can count on us for these things.

  • No Hanky-Panky: Guarantee
     that your money is being applied to feeding people directly, or will be
     applied directly to services leading to people being fed like plates,
    delivery charges, etc.
  • Give you Charity Receipts Yearly: It is a tax write off and even if you forget, we’ll send you a copy of all your donations at the end of the year.
  • Photos and Videos of Delivery: We will post photos and videos of every delivery on our site, on our Facebook and Instagram.
  • Join The Family: We consider you a part of our family and you get to join a part of our community that is like-minded in serving humanity.


How You Can Help The Cause

Thank you for reading this far.

 you’ve read this far, you’re clearly someone who has good intentions in
 their heart and would like to join. But there may be some hurdles for

Fear not, you can help even beyond just the monetary.


There are 3 Main Ways To Help Us


  • Give a monthly donation: This is the best solution that will allow us to consistently feed people month over month
  • Give a donation, big or small: even a penny is appreciated and makes a difference.
  • Volunteer:
     Help us with your time. We need volunteers to help, even if you’re not
    in Pakistan and have skills, connections, resources. We would love for
    you to join the cause.




Jazakallah For Taking your time and reading this.



Please SHARE This.

With Family. Friends. Strangers. Anyone.


Each SHARE can feed up to 10 people,

according to calculations.


Thank You!



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Recent supporters

An Anonymous kind soul

$15 USD, 4 years ago

Ahmed Khan

$25 USD, 4 years ago

Insh Rah

$20 USD, 4 years ago


$5 USD, 4 years ago


$20 USD, 4 years ago

Aziba Damree

$9 USD, 4 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$5 USD, 4 years ago

Aziba Damree

$10 USD, 4 years ago

Patrick Correa

$5 USD, 4 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$7 CAD, 4 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$80 USD, 4 years ago

Salim Elzwawi

$10 USD, 4 years ago

Zaneb Hasan

$1 USD, 4 years ago

Zaneb Hasan

$1 USD, 4 years ago

Zaneb Hasan

$1 USD, 4 years ago

Zaneb Hasan

$1 USD, 4 years ago

Zaneb Hasan

$1 USD, 4 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$40 USD, 4 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$40 USD, 4 years ago

Zaneb Hasan

$1 USD, 4 years ago

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